Al-GhanorNow the time has come… for destiny to steer my way
Now the time has come… to welcome this stillborn day
A last faint doubt escapes into the first sunlights smile
Now I leave this earthly plane for things come to an end
The journey strains but with confidence these oceans I sail
Reaching your blooming realm again, recover and rejoice
Koyft mayne beygelekh,
Heysinke bublichki!
Nu, koyft...
Es kumt bald on di nakht,
Ikh shtey zikh tif fartrakht,
Zet, mayn eygelekh
Zaynen farshvartst.
End of DaysWhat do you want me to say?
Should I make me to stay?
What do you want me to pray?
Be strong to bear the pain
I need to go to find my treasure
I need to go for my solution
I need to show myself to the world
FreydeleOy iz dos a meydele
And her name is Freydele.
She plays with her dreydele
And her name is Freydele.
Oy iz dos a meydele.
It’s good to have a little dog
To protect the house.
Grine KuzineDi Grine Kuzine
Tsu mir iz gekumen a kuzine
Sheyn vi gold iz zi geven, di grine
Bekelakh vi royte pomerantsn
Fiselakh vos betn zich tsum tantsn.
Herelakh vi zaydn-veb gelokte
Honoured and HatedFrom the unknown regions they arrived
To command and conquer imperial life
...the Honoured Mothers
Equipped and trained with new drugs
They seek to rule over their ancient foes
Mekhuteneste mayne, mekhuteneste getraye,
Oy, lomir zayn oyf eibik mekhutonim.
Ikh gib aykh avek mayn tokhter far a shnur,
Zi zol ba aykh nit onvern dos ponim.
Mekhayeavo bistu geven, tokhter mayne getraye.
geven in kvutsa, gevorn a khalutsa,
mame, ez iz geven a mekhaye.
avo hostu gegesn, tokhter mayne getraye.
gegesn hob ikh kashe, gekokht hot ez mashe,
mame, ez iz geven a mekhaye.
MitoПоноћ већ је прошла, време да се спије,
Срце још је будно давну жељу крије
Еј, крај пенџера стојим
Чекам да ти врата отворим.
Зашто душо не доðеш,
да ме кући поведеш,
Да ти своје срце предам,
My RaceI'm getting insane
I'm wondering why
What all this mess will be
Like crazy we run
We don't know where
The game is faster than us
But I have to smile
Mendele: Yiddish literature and language
Contents of Vol. 5.124
September 27, 1995
1) "Rumania, Rumania" (Milt Eisner)
2) Hearing Yiddish (Sholem Yafe)
The WanderersIn the nightfire of mankind’s dawn
A despised people revealed its fate
Honour and wisdom by their side
The sword of knowledge at their hands
Enslaved by the empire
With the stain of renegades
They broke the old restrictions
Longing for their journey’s end
Train Across UkraineI am the traveler, third class.
My name is Hello How Are You
Is this seat taken, you may ask
Of the traveler in third class.
Ikh bin a reyzener, dritte klass
Mayn nomen Sholem Aleichem
Zanyato? Fregt men mir
Dem reyzener dritte klass.
Відстань Чому я не бачу рідних для себе очей
Навіщо крізь кімнату проходе марево різних людей
Шукаю відповіді але не знайду ніде
Давай же зі мною у мандри у річку фальшивих ідей
ти моя мавка
Раніше зі мною але тепер немає тебе
Ось так загубились у мареві темних тіней
До нових зустрічей і до нових ролей
Прекрасное далекоАвтор этого кавера мой ученик Алексей Колыфанов.Считаю - весьма интересный эксперимент по сравнению с перепевами данной песни всякими недоделусами из зомбоящика.