Chained To WeaknessLiving a life dictated by faith alone
never questioning the validity of this morality;
how much does this really benefit you
or the world that surrounds you?
This faith leads you to fear your god.
Wouldn't you rather follow your desires
than cowerimpotent before an angry
Chained WeaknessLiving a life dictated by faith alone
never questioning the validity of this morality;
how much does this really benefit you
or the world that surrounds you?
This faith leads you to fear your god.
Wouldn't you rather follow your desires
than cowerimpotent before an angry
Changed MindsWhat "order" is being maintained here?
To whose benefit are these laws for?
Each situation not taken into account
so a racist classist sexist institution of forms.
Womyn in prisons for self defense
kills her abuser, she finally fights back.
Or a resistant assistant to a forceful man
but "battered womyn's syndrome must be a myth".
Crimson DawnGifted child, the demon of creation
reigning from a blood drenched throne
Spreading its wings of devastation
all life will drown
An empire consuming the Earth
draining it for all it's worth
In this world of mourning the truth is dead
Dollar Signs To The IndustryYou brought the myth that they're put here for us
Now see the hell that results from this Treated so callously as if machines
Objects, mere dollar signs to the industry Beaten on the head, stunned but not dead Nose bleeding, confused, so trusting Chocking under your foot, you hear it gasp for air
Life draining under your weight, struggling, and you don't even care
I watched you rip the skin right off of her body
Still alive, no where to hide, she can't express the fucking pain inside
Others are born into a cage, just to die by the blade
Their short lives in between pure suffering No pain killers are used while enduring body mutilations
DomesticationScars cut deep into the mountainside
Logging hearses carry away the dead
Strip mining, relentless destruction
Wildlife forced away
to make room for the humyn kingdom
I see fields and fields of agriculture
row after row of monocrops, no diversity
EscalateStraight Edge cannot be considered the final goal
but in order to achieve the things that count the most
we must use it as a tool.
There is more to it than simply being drug free
it's the clarity of mind
to act most effectively against this system we're fighting
It's the first step, it's the key to unlock you from your apathy
Glimpses of HopeIt's times like these
which come more often than I'd like
when it's almost impossible to look on the brightside
Everything I love, all I hold sacred
is threatened--doomed to be taken
It's rare I see beauty without thinking of it's inevitable end
I Hate Ayn Rand'Individualism' is the mentality that you don't owe anyone anything. / "Don't tell me how to live my life and i won't tell you how to live yours" - Fuck that / Manifestation of living in a capitalist system / Everyone is just looking our for themselves / We shun and ignore the one that need our help / But our action affect everyone around us / And the choices we make have very real consequences / And the thing you demand and the things you take for granted... / Convenience for you could be the result of another's life / Step out of you little world... And open your eyes and your hearts! / A luxury for you could be the result of another's suffering / Can you trace the origins of what you consume back to torture and abuse?/ Never stop questiong / The unexamined life is not worth living / This is not PC chit chat / This is what it is to be a human being / Taking shortcuts to happiness / will not bring you a lifetime of fulfillment
No ContestNo one should have to ask for their life
let alone fight for it
we forget how dire the situation's become
because we are not the ones
effected first hand
we're too comfortable!
But the animals are defenseless so we must treat this war
Power, Privilege, WealthThis is a country built upon the system
of white supremacy
where the subjugation of people of color
is justified "because it helps the economy".
This exploitation has been deemed "necessary"
exposing inherent racism in American ideology.
"Progress" made doesn't benefit everybody
The Green ScareFear the Green Scare
the new Red Scare
"the number one domestic terrorism threat"
But it's no accident that lives are saved
not harmed in any case
Power and money, the only things at risk
When your power starts to slip, you tighten your grip
Repression from above, an old tactic of control
Total Liberationor every life for liberation
we're dedicated to bringing freedom for all enslaved
tear the blindfold from over your eyes
forget all that you thought you once knew
after 10, 000 years of telling lies
dedicated to spreading the truth
taking pride in this path that we tread
in defense of the earth
Who BelongsHow dare
you turn a space meant to be about unity into a place that reflects the same old problems we face in society?
You claim that there is equality, but have you asked the ones effected
by your misogyny? No.
There is no excuses for
creating an environment where our s
isters are made to feel self conscious, insecure, disrespected.
Constantly having to prove herself,
You touch my ta la laOooh, you touch my tralala,
Mmm... my ding ding dong.
Deep in the night,
I'm looking for some fun,