Gabby Young And Other Animals все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
- Goldfish Bowl
Everything is very new here
I’m swimming in a goldfish bowl
I caught a glimpse of something unfamiliar
Then I ran in to my hole
Tinted windows all surround me
But it has got a certain feel
I might come out and look for a while
To see what I can see…
- The Answer's In The Question
As darkness pulls a curtain
That draws us into sleep
I’m filled with all that is uncertain
Between you and me
As dawn opens the morning
Reveals you at my side
There’s still so much I want to ask you
- Whose House
I skipped all over the fire,
Just to feel its pain.
I'm not an emo child,
But like the starts I feel so much blame.
Blame, blame, blame, blame,
Blame blame, blame.
I'm sick of nightmares my dear,