GTA IV The Lost and Damned все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
L.C.H.C. Liberty City HardcoreSoulfly - "Blood Fire War Hate" (2008)
Entombed - "Drowned" (1990)
Bathory - "Call from the Grave" (1987)
Cannibal Corpse - "I Cum Blood" (1992)
Sepultura - "Dead Embryonic Cells" (1991)
Terrorizer - "Fear of Napalm" (1989)
Kreator - "Awakening of the Gods" (1986)
Celtic Frost - "Inner Sanctum" (1987)
Liberty Rock Radio 97.8Deep Purple - "Highway Star" (1972)
Nazareth - "Hair of the Dog" (1975)
Mötley Crüe - "Wild Side" (1987)
Aerosmith - "Lord of the Thighs" (1974)
Saxon - "Wheels of Steel" (1980)
Lynyrd Skynyrd - "Saturday Night Special" (1975)
Foghat - "Drivin' Wheel" (1976)
Alice Cooper - "Go to Hell" (1976)
Radio BrokerGame Rebellion - "Dance Girl (GTA Mix)"
Blonde Acid Cult - "Shake It Loose" (2007)
Kreeps - "The Hunger (Blood in My Mouth)"
The Jane Shermans - "I Walk Alone"
Magic Dirt - "Get Ready to Die" (2009)
Monotonix - "Body Language" (2008)
Japanther - "Radical Businessman" (2008)
The Yelling - "Blood on the Steps" (2008)