Ai Catchany flight OH mighty boy the fall scanning blue
heaven is here the first and worst don"t look out fake out each other
3 2 1 GO it does not may be where
whatever there to much how much so wrong
killing jo ke take my heart when you feel a famous flavor to death
to be fun fun fun mirror world baby burn burn burn stand by my sight
out of head inner word maybe can rurn around high grade monkey
i know i know i none one day one die
COSMOCALL FIELDTell me, I lack a Kullie
Jean was a heck-ass movie
(Ooh noes homo)
Hehe Ala wanna he huwato bu
dots dashベイベードッツ コール1
ベイベードッツ ヴァイブオン
ベイベードッツ ベイベーダッシュ
ドッツダッシュ ドッツダッシュ
FORM SWEET FORM焼け付く痛みが打ち寄せる慈悲の波止場で蒸発する魂のステージ
i can be craze
take no logic
nobody noise
HELLBLAUHey now + call in - fall in
官能 is standing 一体 boiling
& I 安堵愛 三行飴騙し
HOLO GHOSTSou konomama kawaki tsuzukete douki shitara wit no dry
Mou dokonimo darenimo inai
Brief time instant moment flicker
Eon immortal undying
Song that melt in different emotions
The answer is I'm wrong at any time
Only finally there is the free endAa sore wa fukanzen shoushitsu
Ah, the incomplete disappearance
afure dasu me ni ha ni
It overflows at the eye and teeth
Aa kore ga hikan-teki haita
Ah, this pessimistic exclusion
ashita madou muchuu no hate
tomorrow this fog will be outskirt
PARA MIDIACheck it! Kisses with a hero without a name
Check it! Feeling which runs spiral up slide down
Tokeru nuance nazo kake shiiru liquidizer
I wanna be your skeletal lover
awaku moroku kanzen In the motor gadget
Check it!
RADICAL MAT今 憶うそう一瞬を織り成すまま scanning blue
哀に告ぐ目の前 高鳴る矛先は
3 2 1 GO
離れて 壊れて 空白は十中八九 偶発
起源に脈打ち形成する必然は呆然 暴発
in the empty space
i go with the flow
高揚 知って射る前提の触れる目に放つような光彩
そうやって藻掻いた挙げ句 秒針で先送る SLIP ON…