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  • Текст песни faggot - 6

    Исполнитель: faggot
    Название песни: 6
    Дата добавления: 01.09.2014 | 03:22:15
    Просмотров: 20
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    Здесь расположен текст песни faggot - 6, перевод и видео.
    The heart is a bloom
    Shoots up through the stony ground
    There's no room
    No space to rent in this town

    You're out of luck
    And the reason that you had to care
    The traffic is stuck
    And you're not moving anywhere

    You thought you'd found a friend
    To take you out of this place
    Someone you could lend a hand
    In return for grace

    It's a beautiful day
    Sky falls, you feel like
    It's a beautiful day
    Don't let it get away

    You're on the road
    But you've got no destination
    You're in the mud
    In the maze of her imagination

    You love this town
    Even if that doesn't ring true
    You've been all over
    And it's been all over you

    It's a beautiful day
    Don't let it get away
    It's a beautiful day

    Touch me
    Take me to that other place
    Teach me
    I know I'm not a hopeless case

    See the world in green and blue
    See China right in front of you
    See the canyons broken by cloud
    See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
    See the Bedouin fires at night
    See the oil fields at first light
    And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
    After the flood all the colors came out

    It was a beautiful day
    Don't let it get away
    Beautiful day

    Touch me
    Take me to that other place
    Reach me
    I know I'm not a hopeless case

    What you don't have you don't need it now
    What you don't know you can feel it somehow
    What you don't have you don't need it now
    Don't need it now
    Was a beautiful day

    Сердце – словно цветущий росток,
    Пробивающийся сквозь окаменевшую землю.
    В этом городе больше невозможно
    Снять квартиру.

    Тебе не везёт
    По той причине, что обо всём тревожишься.
    На улице пробка,
    И ты застрял на одном месте.

    Ты думал, что ты нашёл друга,
    Который поможет тебе выбраться из этого места,
    И которому ты тоже протянул бы руку помощи
    В ответ на его доброту.

    Это замечательный день,
    Тебе кажется, что рушится небо.
    Это замечательный день,
    Не упускай его.

    Ты едешь по дороге
    В неизвестном направлении.
    Ты весь в грязи,
    В лабиринте её воображения.

    Ты любишь этот город,
    Даже если это звучит как ложь.
    Ты растворился в нём
    А он растворился в тебе.

    Это замечательный день,
    Не упускай его,
    Это замечательный день.

    Дотронься до меня,
    Отведи меня в то, в другое место.
    Научи меня,
    Я знаю, что не совсем безнадёжен.

    Посмотри на сине-зелёный мир.
    Посмотри, Китай прямо перед тобой.
    Посмотри, каньоны скрылись за облаками.
    Посмотри, косяки тунца резвятся в морской пучине.
    Посмотри на костры бедуинов ночью.
    Посмотри на залежи нефти в лучах рассвета.
    Посмотри на птицу с листиком в клюве –
    После потопа всё расцветает пестротой красок.

    Это был замечательный день,
    Не упусти его,
    Замечательный день.

    Дотронься до меня,
    Отведи меня в то, в другое место.
    Дотянись до меня,
    Я знаю, что не совсем безнадёжен.

    То, чего у тебя нет, тебе сейчас не нужно.
    То, чего ты не знаешь, ты можешь некоторым образом чувствовать.
    То, чего у тебя нет, тебе сейчас не нужно.
    Сейчас тебе это не нужно.
    Это был замечательный день.
    The heart is a bloom
    Shoots up through the stony ground
    There's no room
    No space to rent in this town

    You're out of luck
    And the reason that you had to care
    The traffic is stuck
    And you're not moving anywhere

    You thought you'd found a friend
    To take you out of this place
    Someone you could lend a hand
    In return for grace

    It's a beautiful day
    Sky falls, you feel like
    It's a beautiful day
    Do not let it get away

    You're on the road
    But you've got no destination
    You're in the mud
    In the maze of her imagination

    You love this town
    Even if that does not ring true
    You've been all over
    And it's been all over you

    It's a beautiful day
    Do not let it get away
    It's a beautiful day

    Touch me
    Take me to that other place
    Teach me
    I know I'm not a hopeless case

    See the world in green and blue
    See China right in front of you
    See the canyons broken by cloud
    See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
    See the Bedouin fires at night
    See the oil fields at first light
    And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
    After the flood all the colors came out

    It was a beautiful day
    Do not let it get away
    Beautiful day

    Touch me
    Take me to that other place
    Reach me
    I know I'm not a hopeless case

    What you do not have you do not need it now
    What you do not know you can feel it somehow
    What you do not have you do not need it now
    Do not need it now
    Was a beautiful day

    Heart - like a blooming sprout,
    Streaming through the petrified earth.
    The city is no longer possible
    Rent an apartment .

    You have no luck
    For the reason that everything worry.
    On the street tube,
    And you're stuck in one place.

    You thought you'd found a friend
    That will help you get out of this place,
    And that you, too, would stretch a helping hand
    In response to his kindness .

    It's a wonderful day ,
    You think the sky is crumbling .
    It's a wonderful day ,
    Do not miss it.

    You're going on the road
    In an unknown direction.
    You're covered in mud ,
    In the maze of her imagination .

    You love this city ,
    Even if it sounds like a lie .
    You dissolved in it
    And he disappeared into you.

    It's a wonderful day ,
    Do not miss it
    This is a great day.

    Touch me ,
    Take me to something else.
    Teach me
    I know that is not entirely hopeless .

    Look at the blue-green world .
    Look , China right in front of you.
    Look , canyons disappeared behind the clouds.
    Look , shoals of tuna dive into the depths of the sea .
    Look at the Bedouin fires at night.
    Look at the oil deposits in the rays of dawn.
    Look at the bird with a leaf in its beak -
    After the flood all the blossoms variegated colors.

    It was a wonderful day ,
    Do not miss it
    A wonderful day.

    Touch me ,
    Take me to something else.
    Reach for me
    I know that is not entirely hopeless .

    What you do not , you now do not need to .
    What you do not know , you can feel a certain way .
    What you do not , you now do not need to .
    Now you do not need it .
    It was a wonderful day.


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