AnnouncementDown by the beach today
Not out of sight
Just out of mind and memory
Blind like the time before day
And after the night
The Reverend, he came to say
There is the white
Baby, That's ArtThen we crush the heart
Then the meat we pound
Then we cruise to the sound
Of collecting the honey
Well, maybe I'm seeing
Well baby, that's art
Can I Get a WitnessMaybe you got faith
In where this is going
Maybe I'll pull up the stakes
And I'll be letting go
I could not believe
I could not believe
Can I get a witness, witness
Deadman's CurveMaybe I'll kick it
Though it's so sweet, honey
Been up on the mountain
With nothing to eat
Maybe I'll kick it
Then I will be free, darling
I got me a ticket
Don't Get Me WrongI'm not asking you to follow me
Just to understand a way
We may be stunted by the madness we see
Don't let it slip away
You may resist
I may not regret
We may be happy
Freedom RockMy name is Chip
And I'm different
I don't conform
I wear a different uniform
I'm out of the blue
And so you are, too
Let me sing about one thing that's clear
Hate MeHate me
My jacket's not right
Hate me
And my thousand hairs
And my shoes look bad tonight
Hate me
HeadacheThis wrinkle in time, I cant give it no credit
I thought about my space and I really got me down (got me down)
Got me so down, I got me a headache
My heart is crammed in my cranium and it still knows how to pound
I was counting the rings
And I fell me into sleep
I peeked to see if you were way back when
I was counting the trees
I Heard Ramona SingI had so many problems
And then I got me a walkman
I really liked it a lot and
They walked right in and they solved them
They walked right in and they solved them
I heard ramona sing
And I heard everything
Jesus Was RightMaybe on the street
Maybe on the beach
Maybe I'll see you at the mall
Jesus was right
Yeah, I don't want to fight at all
I want to be alone
I want to be inside my headphones
Jumping BeansWhen I was just a little boy
My Daddy gave me a special something
Then he explained about the toy
No they can't go
No way no they're jumping
Now time and space began to squirm
And that little squirm turned into bumping
I once did hear a little worm
Kicked In The TacoToday at the New Morocco
I got kicked in the taco
All I saw were stars
Say, it's a bit nightmarish
From here to Albondigas parish
Underneath the stars
Los Angeles OST THAWI met a man
He was a good man
Sailing and shoring
Dancing the beta can-can
Making me foreign
Oh yeah
I want to live in los angeles
Man of SteelUnder the stars each night,
I wonder do stairs go there?
I'm lonely driving behind the wheel,
Can't get no where.
I can't seem to get it right.
I'm only just a man of steel.
...Is there a place?
Men in BlackYou believe if (you better)
I got their number
Classic camcorder
I saw everything
Dinner plate specials
The shapes of cucumber
I'm going to the papers
I am going to sing
The Creature CrawlingThe creature crawling don't know when he'll arrive
Don't know if creature is dead or alive
All of God's creatures have the will to survive
Did you know about that?
Did you know about all that?
The creature crawling
The Cult Of RayWhat is there to say?
Still I can't be silent
Hear the Cult of Ray
And you'll be enlightened
People, they're no fun
I saw Raymond speak one time, he said hello
And as he opened up my mind, so fried and battered
I heard his words so very fine
The MarsistTake me somewhere cool
Take a long time
Take as long as it takes
Take me somewhere cool
I want to touch that face
I have seen the face
I have seen the vacant look