Fine Crowd все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Queen Of ArgyllGentlemen, it is my duty to inform you of one beauty,
Though I'll ask of you the favor no' to seek her for a while;
For though I know she is a creature of character and feature,
And no words can paint the picture of the Queen of old Argyll.
And if you could have seen her there, boys, if you had just been there,
The swan was in her movement, and the marvel in her smile;
All the roses in the garden, they will bow and ask her pardon,
The IslanderI'm a Newfoundlander born and bred and I'll be one till I die,
I'm proud to be an islander and here's the reason why:
I'm free as the wind and the waves that wash the sand,
There's no place I would rather be than here in Newfoundland. x2
I spent some time in New York State and nearly lost my mind,
The city life's too fast for me, nobody has the time;
Cement and steel and flashing lights was all that I could see,