Fear Absolute все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
AbsolutionTake away my sight
Take away my eyes
Kill my innner feelings
Leave me for dead
My visions now destroyed
My passion for life in question
So hard for me to see what's right before me
ApprehensionThere's never been a time in my life
When I felt I needed to look into his eyes
Followers, not leaders, cancerous parasites
To this man, this one, this fake, all lies
Putting your faith in the invisible
A god no one knows, a god no one sees
No truth in the book, no meaning in the word
DreamlandIt becomes hidden so deeply
The dark clouds unseen
A secret no one should tell
The fear blinds our eyes
When all becomes just a memory
of all things that happened in the past
We start to fear what we don't know
The One You HateTaking what you need to survive
To live off the ones you hate
A never ending cycle repeated
Too blind to care that you're dying
You've sold your souls for a quick return
What's left is nothing, nothing but the fear
Blaming everyone, never blame yourselves