7 Days, 7 WeeksSister love why don't you break it up?
You got to let someone look into your heart
Sister love how do you keep it up?
If you don't let no-one look into your heart
As a kid you couldn't live it up
You were so serious but always so smart
As a kid you couldn't keep it up
Bad TimingEverything is quiet
There, in a pool of light
I would have sworn that she had died
I'm telling you
In all that i will say
In every move i'll make
You'll see that i don't fake Even if i wanted to
Cold Sun Of CircumstanceDon’t keep quiet
Find a deal
If they can’t think it
Make ‘em feel
Use your eyes
Don’t compare
On a global scale
Strip it bare
Constant NowJust one kiss, memory
Like human nature history
Understand a little more
The afterman loved before
Just a moment lost in time
Prison parts is time to find
Just a moment lost on you
Prison play is all that you can do
Dark Sets InThe sweat had sunk into his sheet
The moon was lighting up the street
He pictured her in some strange place
bathing in some stranger's heat
If heaven's you, then hell is me
He closed his eyes to better see
Eternal WomanLet's build a cult of two
Like a cop that needs a clue
I want to infiltrate in you
These are the words that have done
A bit of shut-eye in my mind
It wouldn't hurt to want to speak 'em out some time
Those days were full of smoke
From the minute I awoke
GhostNever one to miss out on a shebang
I threw one myself with the usual gang
Just a couple of girls
And a couple of guys
Get up, stand up, get organized
I couldn't help thinking
I'd seen it before
Include Me OutWhere have i seen this before?
When will i feel it again?
Somebody opened a door
I'm afraid to walk in
Imagination will kill
If imagination stands still
I read it in open book
read it in open book
Keep You CloseYou were young, you had time on your hands
And I, was a rollercoaster of the kind
that needs to ride so high
To dive so low
All the time I had to keep you close
Now I finally know how it must of hurt
To see all of the love and care only work
Little arithmeticsInto temptation, over in doubt
Black night, neonlight into my house
Talking talking talking about
Out of frustration, over in doubt
Hold me now, I'm hoping that you can explain
Little Arithmetics
Got me down, they're fooling me again and again
magdalenaYou drive too fast
can you please shut up
I'll call the police
if you don't stop.
You're just trying to scare me
you want me to know
that you're not this precious
Nothing Really EndsThe plan it wasn't much of a plan
I just started walking
I had enough of this old town
and nothing else to do
It was one of those nights
you wonder how nobody died
we started talking
You didn't come here to have fun
Pocket RevolutionThere’s no rules here
I been making stuff up from the beginning
How i feel today
Is it the price i pay
For all my sinning
I’m just a lonely boy
Would you be my enemy
Quatre MainsEntre temps on se lance dans la gloire
Miami de lumière
Dépourvue de bruit
Ca me choque chaque fois comment on accepte des status quo
Le fauteuil qui nous regarde sans soul
Comme un mouton qui bâille nous accueille dans son univers zen
Je me poursuis moi-même
RosesRose said quote it's time to make a mess
Time will soon be mine in time I guess
She's painting on my back a beautiful flowerpot
And she treats me she treats me she treats me like her local god
Rose said quote it's time to make a mess
This one's yours and yours is self obsessed
She's painting on my back a green tom, the beefheart one
And she cuddles and she coos and she cuts the bullshit I confessed
SerpentineI'm caught in the flow of things
My memory's a broken machine
This is how my day begins
This is just one day unseen
Lets do it serpentine any time
Lets do it right here
Sister DewOh my sweet Sister Dew what have I done?
All my life I've only loved the one.
I was taught to be tolerant and plain
I was taught a million things I can't explain.
It must have been the hatred in her eyes
It must have been the power to her lies
Tell me Sister there's a place where I can hide
Smokers ReflectThe two black spots in your left eye
Are from staring in the sun
They follow everywhere you look
Like a crosshair on a gun
You're lighting one more cigarette
The last one of the pack
Reflecting on your life a bit
The ArchitectWhat is the architect doing?
He is by the riverside
What is he thinking out there?
He is committing egocide
Now isn't that a strange thing?
Well to him it feels just
Well we guess a person's gotta do,
What a person feels he must
The Final Blast
Now let me tell you how she makes me laugh
It's so curious to me
She had a word with angels in the past
They agreed to disagree
Said woo hoo hoo what a blonde, what a blonde
The Magic HourI had a plan, was all made up
an angel was sent, for keeping all troubles away.
'Cause lady and I, we could not stop
as cool as a sigh, as volatile as something you say.
I had a dream, a simple plot
I held out my hand as if she'd never pushed it away.
The sun is still there, except it's not
the real sugarTonight
If only tonight
I need something stronger, baby
Like the moon and the stars
I don't know what you are
I can't wait any longer
The Soft FallA sunset is just a sunset
But driving with you over the '25th of April Bridge'
Now that's a ride
So let's go
Somewhere good
we're getting by
we take the car
Вьюн над водойВьюн над водой, ой, вьюн над водой,
Вьюн над водой расстилается.
Жених у ворот, ой, жених у ворот,
Жених у ворот дожидается.
Вывели ему, ой, вывели ему,
Вывели ему черногривого коня.
- Это не моё, ой, это не моё,
Часы ожидания В полу омраке стою я, мысли только о тебе
Между нами города и не забуду никогда
Часы ожидания, долгие года
Каждая секунда на счету у меня.
Ты смотришь в небо, видя только облака
Которые плывут и туда и сюда
Я не могу тебя обнять заполнить в сердце пустоту