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  • Текст песни Doro - Love Me in Black - Люби меня в черном

    Исполнитель: Doro
    Название песни: Love Me in Black - Люби меня в черном
    Дата добавления: 01.06.2014 | 21:14:04
    Просмотров: 17
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Doro - Love Me in Black - Люби меня в черном, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Love me in black

    Didn't they tell you the way that it's gonna
    You asked god for a woman and ended up with me
    Maybe I'll love you, maybe I'll pull you apart
    We live in darkness I've pulled you into my
    There's no escaping this hell that I've put
    you in
    You must forgive me but loving me is a sin

    Are you ready for me
    Do you love me in black
    I'll push you away
    Then make you come back
    I can make you feel love
    I can be so detached
    Do you really want me
    Do you love me in black

    When I first met you I thought there was a
    How could you want me, you made such a easy
    Didn't they teach you loving is nothing but
    What do you see when you look in my eyes
    A sea of blue, a place where your heart
    could lie
    Where it could drown, where it will never


    I keep reliving the moment we said goodbye

    You didn't kiss me, you didn't even try
    You said I made you feel like you were
    barely alive
    In another lifetime maybe another place
    Maybe I'll find you, I could be tempted by
    And try to reach with too little kindness
    too late


    Люби меня в черном

    Разве тебе не объяснили, как это будет?
    Ты просил у бога женщину, а получил меня.

    Может, я тебя полюблю, а, может, уничтожу.
    Мы живем во тьме, куда я нас завела, дружок.
    Из ада, где я тебя поселила, выхода нет.

    Тебе придется простить меня, но любить меня
    - грех.

    Ты готов меня принять?
    Ты любишь меня в черном?
    Я тебя оттолкну,
    Потом заставлю вернуться.
    Со мной ты поймешь, что такое любовь,
    Я могу быть такой неприступной.
    Я, правда, тебе так нужна?
    Ты любишь меня в черном?

    Когда я впервые увидела тебя, я решила, что
    это ошибка.
    Как ты осмелился желать меня? Ты слишком
    легкая добыча.
    Тебе разве не объяснили, что в любви нет
    ничего, кроме боли?
    Что ты видишь в моих глазах?
    Синее море, где успокоится твое сердце?

    Где оно пойдет ко дну, где у него нет ни
    единого шанса выжить?


    Я вновь и вновь переживаю момент нашего
    Ты не поцеловал меня, даже не попытался.
    Ты сказал, со мной ты чувствовал себя едва
    Может, в другом месте, не в этой жизни
    Я найду тебя, поддавшись искушению судьбы,

    И потянусь к тебе, слишком недобро, слишком

    Love me in black

    Didn't they tell you the way that it's gonna
    You asked god for a woman and ended up with me
    Maybe I'll love you, maybe I'll pull you apart
    We live in darkness I've pulled you into my
    There's no escaping this hell that I've put
    you in
    You must forgive me but loving me is a sin

    Are you ready for me
    Do you love me in black
    I'll push you away
    Then make you come back
    I can make you feel love
    I can be so detached
    Do you really want me
    Do you love me in black

    When I first met you I thought there was a
    How could you want me, you made such a easy
    Didn't they teach you loving is nothing but
    What do you see when you look in my eyes
    A sea of ​​blue, a place where your heart
    could lie
    Where it could drown, where it will never


    I keep reliving the moment we said goodbye

    You didn't kiss me, you didn't even try
    You said I made you feel like you were
    barely alive
    In another lifetime maybe another place
    Maybe I'll find you, I could be tempted by
    And try to reach with too little kindness
    too late


      Love me in black

    Do not you explain how this will be ?
    You asked God for a woman , and got me .

    Maybe I'll fall in love , and maybe destroy .
    We live in the darkness , where I led us , buddy .
    From hell, where I'll settle down there is no escape .

    You'll have to forgive me, but love me
    - Sin.

    Are you ready to receive me ?
    Do you love me in black ?
    I'll push off ,
    Then he 'll make back .
    With me you 'll understand what love is ,
    I can be as impregnable.
    I really need you so ?
    Do you love me in black ?

    When I first saw you , I thought
    this is a mistake .
    How dare you want me ? you are too
    easy prey .
    Do not you have explained that there is no love
    nothing but pain ?
    What do you see in my eyes ?
    Blue sea, where calm down your heart?

    Where does it go to the bottom , where he has no
    a chance to survive ?


    I again and relive the moment of our
    You did not kiss me , do not even try .
    You told me you felt almost
    Maybe elsewhere, not in this lifetime
    I'll find you , tempted fate

    And pull you, too unkind , too



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