A Fractured HandI remember that brief moment when I shouted "end this day"
Mistakes and lessons have since gone my way
The same regrets lie noiselessly for now within these poorly isolated walls
Something this sacred should not have been taken for granted
My vow of secrecy must be kept
Something this sacred should not have faded with time
AbsoluInquiétude de conscience - Un besoin fervent d’adhésion - Une envie de résolution - Acceptation de vérité - La solution est déclarée - Des idées achetées à rabais - La doctrine mérite pieux respect - Enthousiasmé par sa profondeur - Congrégation de bons prêcheurs - Je ne suis qu’un pion dans cette histoire de création - Mes pouvoirs sont remis en question, mais ce n’est qu’une banale condition - Je suis fière des mutilations - Les preuves de mon adoration - Grâce à cette moralisation - Je m’enfuis de la perdition - Une hypocrisie si intense qu’on finit par y croire - Un respect désordonné, sans limite, amène un idylle illusoire - Ma totale dévotion à cette immense entité illumine ma vision noire - Pour qu’ainsi je puisse me trouver bon, sans me préoccuper des choses que je ne veux voire - Divinité sacrée, inviolable - Un mur d’isolation, sans réflexions - Divinité créée, irréprochable - Enfin l’absolution, déviation - Coupure, sans ouverture - Fermé à toute opinion extérieure - Sésure, couverture - Isolé, hors d’atteinte du désir d’ardeur - Assentiment, consentement volontaire de l’intelligence à des vérités qui orientent mes actions et pensées - Souffrance inutile, ma vie se concentre autour d’une croyance pigée au sort - Seule être que je daignerai respecter - Soumission, je laisse mes aptitudes pour des moyens de défense - Pollution mentale, je combats pour oublier que j’ai à lutter - Pour me cacher de ma propre vérité et m’éloigner - Pour ne pas avoir à chercher ma vraie réalité - Je voue un culte à ce qui me permet de m’oublier - J’abandonne ma vie à un besoin que je me suis inventé - Divinité sacrée, inviolable - Un mur d’isolation, sans réflexions - Divinité créée, irréprochable - Enfin l’absolution, déviation - Coupure, sans ouverture - Fermé à toute opinion extérieure - Sésure, couverture - Isolé, hors d’atteinte du désir d’ardeur.
As Bridges BurnLooking through a stained window, I wish for better days
Yesterday's promise of brighter colors has been tarnished by shades of deception
The calendar has been stripped of all its pages
My watch no longer tells time
Its rusted gears silently watched the months pass by
Happiness is a fallacy
What was taken for granted now seems so precious
I look back and remember when a smile was as priceless as the sun
Black LungsMy thoughts are turning black.
Here comes a panic attack.
Every day is a struggle to stay on track.
I've had enough of being consumed by your poison.
These are my words of distress.
I must confess.
It's getting harder to see through a thick layer of green smoke.
The deeper I inhale, the harder I choke.
Clef De VouteCe qui perdure depuis des siecles - aujourd'hui, n'est pas sur le point de perire - a jamais, l'humanite tournera en cercle - sans chercher a comprendre le monde dans lequel elle est nee - chaque etre nait en suivant un modele concu sur mesure - satisfait par de faux besoins - l'acceptation fait ton succes - avec facilite, je suis droit le troupeau - pas besoin de chercher, je suis endoctrine - les questions que je pose, c'est le mal qui s'impose - moins je reflechis, moins je sevis - cette voute qui fait ombrage a l'imagination controle tout un monde cloture de sanctions - ce merveilleux systeme qui nous appuie les uns contre les autres tient, en fait, que par un fil - mais tous les hommes sont tous trop occupes par l'argent pour prendre conscience d'la liberte qui les attend - tout a ete manigance pour que cette divine liberte ne vienne pas gacher nos pensees sans meme pouvoir l'imaginer - trop de gens acceptent sans poser les questions qui leur permettraient de passer de l'autre cote - certains meme ignorent qu'en dehors, au dela de cette dictature, contraire a cette legislature qu'ils croient si forte et si solide, se trouve un monde de creation - et si on osait affaiblir le mecanisme de la grande societe - il suffit de detruire le claveau, faiblesse de ce regiment - pour qu'enfin on puisse s'ecrouler et refaire le monde a sa facon - sans obeir a une clef de voute.
Compelled To CopulateCompelled to copulate - I'm not disappointed to be ugly as a human - when the lancet starts to pierce my skin - slashing, cutting the reproductive tool - compel to copulate - castrate, dissect the base of human silliness - finish with the impulsion - I disowned what I don't deserve - sex is now running your lives - harassed by subjective circumstances - we succumb by machination - too much subliminal - it's infecting our brain - regularly soaking with sex - humans drowning in a pathetic circle - more disgusting than animal instincts - man has pushed the nastiness too far - constantly present in everyone's mind - rise in an infatuated world - our soul impregnated with sexual perversion and sickening growing variations - this is just a fragmentation that I'll eternally desecrate - revolting state of being for human kind - I hope your misrepresentation will wipe out human races - with all viral syndromes created by your avidity - you will suffer when your infected blood will condemn your pathetic existence of bestial activities.
Day Of MourningA startling phone call led to a night of little sleep,
Counting blessings instead of sheep.
We gathered the next morning.
Renewing a bond weakened by years of separation and though our worlds had slowly drifted apart.
Despise The IconsSit on their glory - followed by the incorporated
Lifeless and disoriented
Infiltrated vain values
Determined and assimilated
Appreciated for their names
Created by and for the system
Emperor in their realms
Illusionists alienated
Diva Of DisgustLike a drug, you asphyxiated me with fulfilment. Your eyes, like needles, fed my brain with addictive enhancement. Are you that long awaited ray of hope or is this another twisted side of the same tale? You traded your wings for horns and I replaced you with a sharper solution. I went deeper than you ever will. Your reign didn't last for long. You were wrong all along. The diva took her outfit off. An egocentric drama queen now stood in front of my eyes. You traded your wings for horns and I replaced you with a sharper solution. I went deeper than you ever will. You lost your grasp once and for all. Karma will get you back. I won't hold any grudges. She simply vanished and if that goody Christian girl was right. Karma will get her back.
End This DayEverything comes to an end. Castrate my tool, store it safely in a jewel case and throw away the key. Separation has tainted my comely sunny skies. Regret flows out of these open wounds. Rain on my parade. My confidence is soaked. Laughter has now lost all of its sincerity. Emptiness persists. I've never felt this much anger. A silent nemesis grins. I've never felt this much anguish. A pledge to inflict it tenfold. Shed these butterfly wings. Regain your larval state. Converge with every other insect. Your lips are sown with rusted barbwire. Swim in guilt to regain my trust. Stabbed in the back by a bitter secret. A portrait painted black. Shed these butterfly wings. Regain your larval state. My heart is abandoned on a silver plate. Her silence is as cold as a lifeless teenage corpse. Her delicate beauty has lost all of its purity. Her pale white skin marked by the foul sent of treachery. Castrate my tool, store it safely in a jewel case and throw away the key. Separation has tainted my comely sunny skies. I'll remember this day.
Entre Le Bien Et Le MalOus ma carapace se cache un enfant, parfois craintif mais souvent insouciant.
Plus le temps me glisse entre les doigts, plus ma foi se livre au désarroi.
La loi du plus fort ne dictera pas mon sort.
Œil pour Œil, dent pour dent.
Je combats le mal par le mal.
Prenez garde.
Nul ne m'arrêtera, ce choix est ma voie.
Loin des conventions, je garde la raison.
Entre Le Bien Et Le MalsSous ma carapace se cache un enfant, parfois craintif mais souvent insouciant. Plus le temps me glisse entre les doigts, plus ma foi se livre au désarroi. La loi du plus fort ne dictera pas mon sort. Œil pour Œil, dent pour dent. Je combats le mal par le mal. Prenez garde. Nul ne m'arrêtera, ce choix est ma voie. Loin des conventions, je garde la raison. Tous ceux qui oseront m'opposer seront soigneusement décapités dans l'imaginaire de mes pensées les plus malsaines. À mi-chemin entre le mal et le bien, un gentil regard recèle un cauchemar. Tous ceux qui oseront dénigrer le rêve d'un homme par simple cruauté seront châtiés par l'immensité de ma rage. Prenez garde. Attiré doucement par le vice, je m'approche lentement du précipice. Dorénavant, vous me laisserez tous indifférent. Œil pour Œil, dent pour dent. Je combats le mal par le mal. Ma désensibilisation à la bêtise humaine fut lente mais nécessaire. Je regarde désormais tout droit devant. Vos paroles ne m'atteignent plus.
EulogyThe embittered smell emanating from your lifeless form is as bitter as the reeking lies I've heard and trusted.
From now on, the only bed you'll be able to roll on will be within mother earth's guts.
As I'm lying down with closed eyes, I think of what you made me commit.
My fingertips caress your feminine curve for one last memorable moment.
This is a eulogy for my sweetheart.
Nothing will break us apart.
The mark around your neck is so seducing.
[ Despised Icon Lyrics are found on www.songlyrics.com ]
Fainted Blue OrnamentsThe acid reflux in my throat hasn't appeased my taste for bitter blondes
I've twisted so many necks and now their souls daily blind my mind
Your presence, I took for granted
I deceived your confidence
I'll never achieve emotional numbness,
Nor will I enjoy a single peaceful rest
FashionableWith its unreal beauty, humanity has chosen its way of stupidity
A masquerade of futility
Under their fear of ugliness, your self-respect gone for your needs
A disgusting deviation accepted by rancid minds
Exchanging sex norms without disgrace; depravity
Dick butchered, mutilated, eviscerated, transformed cunt Humans boosted with hormones
Hair removed by laser
His cock has been unable to have intercourse because of the phallus he has seen on TV
Furtive MonologueThis in audible voice has flattered my ears
An unreal sound of distress, a sensation that aroused my being
This moment was all yours but the pleasure was all mine
All the weight I've been carrying vanished for a valuable instant
One day when this curtain will fall
Masks will be shattered
Grade A-Oneignification of intensive animal breeding means: more meat for a lesser cost
Designed for the benefit of the multinationals and the profitability of Agro-alimentary
Animals are the objects of manipulation, drugged, mutilated and tortured
destined to be eaten
diseases are in their share too
immobilized in an enclosure with replicated brightness
they have no access to exercise
we turn them into machines
Harvesting The DeceasedHarvesting the deceased. Artificial tissues made in laboratories. Engineered cells reinforced. Praising complex metamorphosis. Harvesting the deceased. A dna structure adapted by scientists. Praising complex metamorphosis. Crafting highly gifted men with vivisected embryos. A prenatal diagnostic. Purity's end. Decayed beings renewed inside a flask then hosted in a mother's womb. Progression will be our downfall The deceased are brought back to life and replicated for servitude. Technology will be our demise. And tomorrow, they will surpass the average human. After our own death, conventional men will cease to be pertinent, Outnumbered by offsprings. Witness the end of mankind. The beta version is in place. A horrendous vision of chimera's altered characteristics. The beta version has taken our place.
ImmaculatePraise my immaculate skin complexion.
Cherish these symmetrical features.
I maintain my poise on this pedestal.
If looks could kill, my charms would scatter faceless dead bodies everywhere.
Like an over-exposed medallion hanging around my neck, ostentation glitters.
Perfect visibility is an asset.
I reach for its crown.
Disseminated black roses follow my every step.
In The Arms Of PerditionPlunged in bitterness. Seduced by an ocean of discontent. Carrying an everlasting smile with insouciance. Cultivating this disconnection with every single interaction. You won't lure me any further. I've been drinking too much shadow and now maybe I shall blossom. This misconception of human loneliness must be disregarded. I will stare at life like I never did before. This game is useless and everything so deceptive. My ambitions may look low but so is the price. I cannot win. What's the meaning of this precious souvenir? Suppress these feelings. Forget the man you were. Even if we both knew that you'd rather be unloved and... Forget the man you were. ...nameless than be fictively surrounded. Carrying an everlasting smile with insouciance. I honestly know that demons will not hear me scream and angels won't see me cry. Isolation is in the fact that the only thing I require. No false promises await in my nightmares. Nothing, except my own predestined downfall. Look at this smile and think I'm cheerful like you always were...
Interfere In Your DaysDisfigured stories from the mechanical eyes
You’re contaminated, hypnotized by the box
Unwittingly addicted to his imperative need
Succubus of mankind, ingesting your life
Scene relative to action, Victimized by reality shows
To attest that you’re not so offended by life
I can exhibit my supremacy on a survival program
Even if I lose, I will get sympathy from people
Le Chene Et Le RoseauPauvre petite creature que la nature a depourvu de force et d'ardeur - qu'un seul leger murmure vous procure un sentiment de peine et de peur - regardez-moi, tel le roc - rien ne m'emeut, rien n'me provoque - et de surcroit, mon nom est roi - si vous vous refugiez sous mon aile, vos souffrances ne seraient eternelles - mais les votres se devoilent au torrent - le destin, pour vous est aberrant - cessez de compatir pour moi - votre pitie est veine alors qu'approche votre trepas - je peux plier, mais ne romps pas - a defaut de certaines qui, surement, invincibles se croient - vous pouvez bien vous tenir droit sans vous mefier de celle qui, un jour, du mal vous fera - vous pensez que frele, je sois - meme si ce n'est du quel l'arrogance vous perdra - buis buis - vous ne savez quelle est la fin de cette histoire pleine de chagrin - un cri accourt de l'horizon - fait de vos otes, sa direction - non sans efforts, de tout son corps - si brute, si fort: roseau se tort - le cri insiste, le chene resiste - souffle persiste, colosse desiste - celui qui se croyait si fort reside maintenant parmi les morts - la, est bien pris qui croyait prendre.
Les Temps ChangentNotre histoire se termine, nos chemins se séparent et la vie reprend son cours tranquillement.
Je m'envole enfin librement.
La main fracturée par un bris de confiance, la guérison entravée par la méfiance, je prends mes distances.
Sagement, j'avance lentement mais sûrement, marchant d'un regard méfiant.
Ça recommence encore et encore et encore.
Notre conflit s'éternise.
Chaque fois, je perds la maîtrise.
Ça recommence encore et encore et encore.
Made Of GlassIt merely took a year for your pledge to disappear.
Farewell friend, our ties no longer mend.
This tale has come to an end.
It wasn't meant to last.
You came and left so fast.
Your promises are part of the past.
You said we'd speak again, but that moment never came.
Silence is a close cousin of shame.
NamelessI crave for even the faintest touch of inspiration
Its rivers have seemingly dried up
The past weeks have silently gone by like nameless citizens in a waiting line
Scattered grey clouds have altered my strategic game plan
I must dig deep
An amalgam of taunting voices wittingly took the limelight away
Oval Shaped IncisionsEstranged
The bliss of a young man smoothly slivered in an instant
Obscured memories puncture through an opaque blindfold
Eyelids carved swiftly with oval shaped incisions
A breach in one self's fortitude
reveals a radiant smile struggling to resurface
RetinaStanding alone inside a frantic crowd with incriminating facts in hand.
An imperative vision of satisfaction.
My overwhelmed pupils contain illegible mortification.
I feel the numbness of an orgasm as I leave my entire body.
Endorphins are released, generating complete ecstasy.
Standing alone inside a frantic crowd with incriminating facts in hand.
An imperative vision of satisfaction.
My overwhelmed pupils contain illegible mortification.
Sheltered ReminiscenceIn those woods, I still remember the odours. The moistened bed where I chose to sleep. Surrounded by my own crimson liquor of existence, I started to to fade in history. At that moment, Only the sound of pulsations through my arms consolidated my seclusion. Anesthetized by fury and desolation, I inflicted myself capital retribution. As the leaves were coloured with my constitution, Grief and lamentations suited me with astonishing cold. As the dark sky vanished before my eyes, Fragments of consciousness could only illustrate parcels of this affair. I sadly can't restore every event in it's respective time: Agitated voices, strident sirens and blistering pain in both arms.
The Ills Of Modern ManI have had it easy for most of my life
Adulthood has brought me a series of complications
Swallow these nails, turn away
I must not look back
The ills of modern man are much larger than my own personal battles
It feels like I have been fighting for nothing
The ills of modern man are much larger than my own personal battles
The Sunset Will Never Charm UsThis desire is so annoying, like a red hot rock in my palm.
My nerves hurt and my legs convulse.
Walking on broken glass.
The soporific serenity permanently reflected in your charming face gives you jurisdiction.
A soiled soul infects the spine during a segment of time.
Particles of truthfulness suppurate from this almost perfect being.
The eye of satisfaction disappears to give place to arrogance and discontent.
I wait for a crucial gateway between trickery and facts.
UnbreakableI am UNBREAKABLE
Grab my hand, not my arm
Gave you an inch
Now, you want to take a mile
Empty smiles, forced favours
Sure, I’ll drop everything
Every time you snap your fingers
No, won’t let it faze me
Warm BloodedIt's been seven nights since my latest craving. An urge so compelling, it consumes my every thought. Drawn by the glare of your flaming lips, Fascinated by the way your touch turns everything to ashes. The buildings I've burned can no longer satisfy this tragic attraction. I must strike once more tonight. These callous hands have tamed the forbidden flame. Awaiting culmination, I anticipate our final celebration. Introduce yourself gently to jennifer. I've kept you both apart all this time. Ignited by your awkward presence, she begins to dance. Consternation is so elegant. You can see the fever in her eyes. The smell of burning blonde hair pervades my heart with lust. Thick black smoke fills the room as her skin darkens. Fire suits you well. Blazing kerosene has veiled the lovely expression on her face. Bralae, elle s'ateint a petit feu. Seduced by jennie's singed eyebrows, I lay down next to her heated corpse. Awaiting the same fate. As my blood starts to boil, I seek redemption. Please incinerate my sins. My flesh is slowly burning. I grin as my remains deteriorate. At last, I can savor the wrath of your flames. Witness my decline.