Deliverance11. Deliverance
We were so weak to stop this long war and
We were so numb to shout out these words
We aren't weak!
We make our lives!
Everyone Burns In This HellWaken up!
Hear the screams!
It's your soul
Slowly burns in hell
Faith is crushed
Blood is flushed
And your god is brutality
Hate UnleashedМоя ненависть распространяется
Сильно застряла в моей голове
Она схватила меня
И не может отпустить
Ты жестокая гребаная сука!
Ты не оставила меня ни с чем, сука!
Hopelessverse 1
Homeless words are silent
We are so lonely
Sullen and emotionally violent
Boy you are phony
About trust
Human Duality12. Human Duality
we know the sense
of our lives
or how could it be found
In Slavery Of IllusionsIn Slavery Of Illusions
It's filling
Your veins and
All your feelings
It Remains In YouIt Remains In You
Starts to fill
Your memories
And you don't
Remember of
Past miseries
It's Time To RiseWe survive demise
But It's time to rise
We'll stand on our feet
And we will defeat
This war has no end!
This war has no rest!
John DoeWoke up in this place with no memory
I can call to mind nothing from my past
I started my life from a blank sheet with nothing in it
I dun no who to trust trying to guess are you friend or foe
I keep on searching
Let Me InPlease clean my dismay
Take me away
Straight to heaven
To your site
I just went astray
Show me the way
Light the beacon
We'll unite
My InspirationЯ был потерян, так одинок
Искал свои чувства
Я должен был найти свою сильную музу
Несмотря ни на что
Перед тем как ты появилась на моем пути
Я приходил в упадок
Rest in Peace, My FriendGood bye
Good bye, my friend
Know that i will
Always miss you
Good bye
Good bye, my friend
Know that i feel
Take My HeartOh, here we go. We're so close.
We are the force you cannot ignore. We want more.
We know our fears and this is gonna choke us to death.
But miles away we still bring fire to your hearts. We are the same.
Oh, here we go. We're so close.
We are the force you cannot ignore. We want more.
We hide our fears and this is gonna choke us to death.
The Guiding LightDead Silence Hides My Cries - The Guiding Light
Who are these people and what do they want from me?
I can no longer trust them, disgust is what I feel
What seems to be a helping hand
Turned into the clutch of a hungry lion
Keeping the secrets tight under their Chelsea smiles
The Helping HandYou feel the pain
How can I heal this broken heart?
The ruthless flame is what you feel
You fall apart!
I can save you
Please reach out your hand
The Pursuit of the DreamМечты воплощаются в реальность несмотря ни на что
Сконцентрируйся на своей мечте
Разгони сомнения и страхи
Поверь в себя
Цель будет достигнута
Твоё «завтра» настанет слишком быстро
Оставь свою печаль в прошлом
The Taste Of RevengeI curse the names
Craved for my death
It's time to stop your breath
I'm back for blood
Which I'll consume
You feel the taste of doom
The Time Is Not EndlessYour time has passed
It's your demise
Your life is flashed
Before your eyes
Through dimmest light
You try to see
Time of the past
Time Is Not EndlessYour time has passed,
It's your demise.
Your life is flashed
Before your eyes.
Through dimmest light
You try to see
Time of the past
To Find The Right WayWe spend our lives
To understand
What we'll become
Before the end
There's many roads
But we should choose
Unfair And Cruel FateFalling down it's the end it seems
Cruelly you destroyed my dreams
I'm struggling through difficult days
Get me rid of all my dismay
It's all over
Infinity and pain
It's all over
Who Are You,Mr.BrooksWho Are You, Mr. Brooks?
You do it all the time
You bring pain, you bring crime
It’s the way of exile
You never ever smile
Do you remember the pain? (Pain that you caused) Say!