A Path In The DustThousands of miles in the dust to see,
upon a path leading to nowhere.
Destination unknown,
only trees in the distance to see.
they walk a path
where life has never been.
Banished from their realm,
only following honour and their will to survive.
A Prophecy Of ImmortalityExegi monumentum aere perennius
Regalique situ pyramidum altius,
quod non imber edax, non aquilo impotens
possit diruere aut innumerabilis
annorum series et fuga temporum
Non omins moriar multaque pars mei
Vitabiet Libitinam... usque ego postera
Ancestors Of StoneI listened for ages
To the songs of aeons
No one really ever answered
Just riddles
For the living ones
I was sitting aside
The statues of old
Listening to voices
Arcanum MortisArcanum Mortis
Ecce anus in mediis
Sedens annosa puellis
Sacra facit Tacitae
Nec tamen illa tacet
Et digitis tria tura tribus
Sub limine ponit.
Ave Atque ValeMultas per gentes et multa per acquora vectus
Advenio miseras, frater, ad inferias
Ut te postremo donarem munere mortis
Donarem munere mortis
Et nequiquam alloquerer cinerem
Quandoquidem fortuna mihi tete abstulit ipsum
Heu miser indigne frater adempte mihi
Bearer of the flame
Behold the bearer of light,
the flame of wisdom.
Leader, not servant of a throne.
Far beneath the sun,
far beneath the conscious he dwells.
Trusting in nothing, leading the blind.
Behold the bearer of darkness,
Caverna obscuraSilva vetus stabat nulla violata
Securi et specus in media virgis
Ac vimine densus
Effigiens humilem lapidum
Compagibus arcum uberibus
Fecundus aquis, ubi conditus
Antro martius anguis erat
Cristis praesiginis et auro
Demon EyesI am one you called -
deep in the night you lost your soul.
Through demon eyes you saw
what lies behind the mask of life.
To ride with me - to cross the firesea...
were these your greatest dreams?
Eternal wisdom you will earn -
far away from present days.
In Nomine Aeternitatis(In Nomine Aeternitatis
In Nomine Aeternitatis
In Nomine Aeternitatis...)
So we awaked
In a place beyond space and time
Where mortal limits last no more.
We left the balance
My Phantasm SupremeEncrypted signs appear red glowing,
contrasting the deep dark stone.
Energetic they sweep before my eyes.
My mind opens to an event horizon,
my body fills with energy,
the opening for the last chapter
is to come.
I never bowed down before a god,
Queen of the woodsDianae sumus in fide
Puellae et pueri integri
Dianam pueri integri
Puellaeque canamus
O Latonia, Maximi
Magma progenies livos
Quam mater prope Deliam
Rise And FallLord Soth,
once an honoured knight
of the order of Solamnia...
He built a stronghold, tall and proud,
in the shape of his order's sign.
Long time ago, he was disgraced from the gods,
for failing his duties to restore order in the realm.
He found the love of an elven maid,
The InfiniteWhich way is the right path
As I stand upon
This chaotic crossroad of hate...
How many ways
Are there to roam
On this dark and damned
Road of fate...
There are many ways my son,
The Isolated ValeForlorn it lies the vale in the storms
In solitude since the beginning of time
Forgotten, lost and only visited
By the icy winds that make
The surronding mountains rugged
Together with the waters which flow down
From the mountains sides,
which flow down from the mountains sides.
Thy Fleeing TimeEheu fugaces, Postume, Postume,
labuntur anni nec pietas moram
rugis er instanti senectae
adferet indomitarque morti;
non, si trecenis, quotquot eunt dies,
amice, places inlacrimabilem
Plutona tauris, qui ter amplum
Underworld Domain"I never lived elsewhere
Than in dimensions of fear.
My spirit is enthroned in the land
Of the silent moving shadows.
Where a deep red fountain
Keeps a thousand lakes of blood.
And the stairways to nowhere
Are the only hope
WinterI call forth the cold
The coming signs of winter
Black hands raised to the sky
Silhouettes of trees with no more leaves
Growing on their long lean twigs
Soul mirrors showing me
A shadowed face
Waters – frozen and rugged, unmoved