Aural Apocalypse December 10th, 2008Dernière Volonté: Nous Maintenons Notre Histoire
Bearer of the Inmost Sun: Untitled Der Blutharsch cover
Allerseelen: Dolce Vita
In The Nursery: Silent in Time
Merzbow: Anicca Part 3 (excerpt)
Troum [Ga]Plaian
Forms of Things Unknown: Mesozoica
Kratong: Blood – Ruby Radiant (Lullaby for Lucifer)
Aural Apocalypse February 4th, 2009Stille Volk: Ode Aux Lointains Souverains
Engelsstaub: Intro: Birth of an Angel
Lupercalia: Notturno da Barca
Ancient Ceremony: Salute O Santana
Prurient: Forever Hate
Teatro Satanico: LHP
NON: Medici Mass
Inner Glory: Domination
Aural Apocalypse July 16th, 2008Current 93: The Carnival is Dead and Gone
Graumahd: Untitled Der Blutharsch Cover
Anima in Fiamme: Arcano Mano Scritto
Angels of Light: My Sister Said
Nebelung: Heimatlos
Accolade: The Traveller
Love is Colder Than Death: On Difference
The Moors: An Fhideag Airgid
Aural Apocalypse March 6th, 2013Aural Apocalypse March 6th, 2013
Posted in Uncategorized on March 6, 2013 by auralapocalypse
Theo Hakola: Quicksilver
Ianva: Canzone Dell’Eterna Aurora
Kentin Jivek: Le Ciment des Sentiments
Aural Apocalypse November 12, 2008Darkwood & Chaos as Shelter: Iosis
Aurum Nostrum: Burn My Hands
Spiritual Front: No Kisses on the Mouth (acoustic version)
Weihan: Útlagar
The Green Man: Liber Al
Les Chasseurs de la Nuit: Untitled #5 from Homo Homini Lupus
Brighter Death Now: Necrose Evangelicum
Matamore – Flight of the Nostromo
Aural Apocalypse November 26th, 2008Fire and Ice: Lord of Secrets
Noa Babayof: At Your Death
Golgatha (featuring 6 Comm): Icarus (Acoustic Mix)
Neutral & Romowe Rikoito: Diamonds in Your Hands
Death in June presents Kapo: Hero Gallow
O Quam Tristis: Planctus Samsonis
Collection D’Arnell ~ Andrea: Un Parc, Une Tonnelle
Gaë Bolg: Dies Irae
Aural Apocalypse September 3rd, 2008Trinithos: Nordwind
Argine: Rifrazioni
Spiritual Front: Cocktail No. 3
Inner Glory: Ecstasy Road
Grey force Wakeford: Marble Heart
Beyond Sensory Experience: The Lickerish Quartet
N.Stahl.N: Fünfter Gesang: Öffentlichkeit. Allesfressende
Inade: L’age D’or