Crimson Moon все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Chaos Of The Sea - Mummu TiamatWithin the Fathomless depths of Astral Chaos a Sea churns like the madness of Her Dreams.
She is the Chaos Serpent,
the Chaos that dwells in the Sea.
She is of primordial essence,
and her essence is transcended through me.
Spawned from Her are the restless ones;
ancient ones;
The Storm BringerI conjure thee O Ancestor of the Gods!
I summon thee creature of Darkness by the works of Darkness.
I summon thee creature of Hatred by the works of Hatred.
I summon thee creature of the wastes by the Rites of the Wastes.
I summon the creature of Pain by the words of Pain.
I summon thee and call forth thee from thy abode in Darkness.
I evoke thee from thy resting place in the bowels of the Earth –
May the dead rise –