A Sudden Intake of BreathAnd the heavens opened and it lashed down.
Rivers of filth, syringes and broken hearts littered the gutters of the central business district.
Bodies lined the roads immobile waiting for the flood, saying nothing at all just watching and waiting, breathing and touching no one. Not a word said, not a hand held, not an eye met, ears pinned for the rumble of the brilliant white truth that they had all been waiting for.
The switches flicked and everyone turned off. This is mine this is mine im going home. I am fine I am fine I am going home.There is no hope. Hope is a dirty word that'll stab you in the back when you offer up your throat. Goodbye to you, you mean nothing. You mean nothing to me now. You're a sheet of paper with a word written on it blowing in the wind. And soon you'll land and rot by the side of the road and the word will sigh and the word will fade and be gone. And I won't remember who you are.
All that you've ever knownFall away from the ground, from the land you have known all of your days.
A new world haze, as the tears fall & land in this foreign place, far from home.
Far from all that you've loved & have ever known.
Dispossessed calling.
This culture is burning.
They don't want you to think now; they don't want you to breath now.
They don't want you speaking your tongue.
They don't want you to live now.
All The People NowWhat makes a man fight for his rights?
Here they come to try & take away his life. For each one that fall another will rise,
With truth in their heart & fire in their eyes.
All the people now, this boat is rocking &
They feel the pressure, all the people rising up.
What makes a woman stand up & shout Breathing tear gas & standing up proud? Despite propaganda continue to rise,
Hijack the media & burn their lies.
Breathing Through A Hole in Your ChestI can't believe it
The words I'm hearin
Each one's tearing ragged holes through my chest
Now I'm kneeling in front of no one
In front of nothing at the dawning of the day
I flew so high I touched the sun
Embraced it (fallin like a bird?)
Crashing The FloorOpens his hand, reads his name, grabs the bottle & swallows again. Thinks of the wife he's left behind, touches the photo & closes his eyes. Thinks of the time where he walked from the street. Under the light & killed a man dead. A chroí dearg, stad do bhualadh, tá mé gan dóchas (my red heart stop beating, I am without hope). Whiskey burned memories come crashing to the floor.
For each one that's gone there's twenty-five more that'll burn him & crush him right through to the core.
He's filled with the thoughts of those gone before.
He opens his mouth & all that comes out is a fractured song from a fractured heart. He grabs the bottle & swallows again, picks up the blade that's singin his name.
Crashing To The FloorOpens his hand, reads his name,
grabs the bottle & swallows again.
Thinks of the wife he's left behind,
touches the photo & closes his eyes.
Thinks of the time where he walked from the street.
Under the light & killed a man dead.
A chroí, A chroí, A chroí dearg, stad do bhualadh, tá mé gan dóchas!
EverydayI walk for hours amongst the crowds & watch their silent passing;
I picked your photos up today.
I talked for hours amongst the dead & searched the half-life places
but your still not here with me.
I loved you more than I could ever breathe.
I miss you more with every day.
Five Thousand MoreNo one knows our names,
lying in this grave unmarked,
with no name.
Found you lying down
by the roadside, half ways melted
into the ground. Down into the ground.
Come & lay me down
Hope This DayMo leannan (my loved one)
this soul isn't all right
& these ones they'll watch you mourning
& this place isn't allright
& these ones they'll watch you drowning. They say you are the next year's soul.
They say you are the truth in disguise.
An oÃche (the night), need you.
And the tears fall onto fresh clay,
Lights Below"Let's get out of here now. Let's get out of here now. Come let's get out of here now. Let's get out of here. C'mon let's go. Right this second."
Take my hand, we'll fly across this land, leave it all below.
Soar above lights below.
Take my hand we'll leave this dying place where all the rivers run red.
One Bedroom ApartmentDon't leave me, I'm bleeding all over this linoleum floor.
I'm still in disbelief.
I'm drowning between the clear and blackening.
From morning until night i'm losing sight of all the beautiful things.
There's nothing here for me without you right here beside me.
Why did you go, did you leave me here, leave me here to rot inside this empty place?
I know that you are going far way.
From morning until night I'm losing sight of all the beautiful things.
Ri RaNo compromising with your life, there is only one who writes the ending & the script to the Rí Rá (uproar). Uprising, you listen to know one but yourself.
Utilizing, you take each second by the throat. Now we rise over them all. Over words that say your no one. Take each day & live like the last. Burn to the ground each tie to the past. Don't listen now to the turn of their lies, from your first breath you were born to rise.
Rising high, over the hill, over fields, over the sea. Rising high they cant bring you down as you soar over treacherous ground. Uprising, there is no way that they'll keep us down. They'll watch us burning, watch us thrive on the rí rá.
There is no way you'll keep us down coz we thrive on the rí rá.
There Will Be No Morning CopyYour borders are bloody mirages
that expand and contract
at the will of the blade
drawn across the back of a
people in shadow.
We are on the ropes.
Tasting the blood in our mouths,
Until The Morning ComesHold me, live you've never before
I'll be here 'til the breaking of dawn
I need you to warm these bones
So hold me here in your dreams and your heart
Until the morning comes and the morning light tells me I must go
Until the night returns and into your dreams my love
I will hold you 'til dawn
Words for SnowSo many call here on their way down below & I'll be here burning till the end of time. Thoughts of the falling burn from the ceiling to wall & I'll be here waiting till the end of time. And nothing here is safe & nothing here is sacred & the thing you care for most will crawl away wounded as you tell it you love it, into the dark recesses & hollowed out corners of nothing. And the last touch is always the hardest & the last touch is always the same & the last look is the one that will kill ya & the last touch is the one that will drive you insane.
And as the night fell & the gutters swelled with the roar of the pissing city & the falling balling & crawling below he sat shaking uncontrollably by the window looking over the pestilent street. And he sat & he prayed & he prayed & he sat & he prayed to St. Augustus, St Brigid, Padre Pio, patron saint of all sinners, patron saint of all fools,
patron saint of every fucking dying crawling thing beneath him, shouting out the names of the dead & forgotten.
And he cried out for Christ's sake help me! For Christ's sake get me out of here! God of all sick things get me the fuck out of here! Release me!