Carlito все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Billie JeanM sent billie jean facc o pass e moonwol vac aret vac annanz vai carenn par o cazz
Son stu sassofn o be comm staij
Enfant prodig jackson five
M sent bill jeam quant tras rind a discoo
Io per strada non ti ho visto
Mor resuscit 3 juorn aropp
Nun song mai muort er nu colp e suonn
Corr aret e sord comm stess ngop o tapisrulant
El CaminoI take you for a ride today
in my mighty new machine.
Car is like an angry horse
with engine.
It goes fast and it goes far.
So fasten seatbelts now.
Hold on to sombreros.
Russkij Pusskijone morning came the post man
and gave Carlito shock
A letter from his uncle
In Vladivostok
Many russian cousins
Carlito didn't know
A family reunion
Sukiyaki TeriyakiGotta go, gotta go to the sound check
I hurry up, I have to go
Don't want to miss the show
Gotta get, gotta get there by sunset
I need to fly, into Japan
Land of the rising sun
Oh, I have been waiting here for you