Captive Nation Rising все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Prisoner Of Warhere i stand before your court / in my homeland a prisoner of war/ judged by your foreign law/ my only crime my native heart/ burning inside with a love for life/ and a passion so strong that flames did rise // you ask me if i feel remorse/ for all the damage that i have caused/ but my only regret is that i was caught/ and my only concern is who will carry on/ now that i'm...// a prisoner of war/ a casualty of war...// you tell me that i must pay/ for my crimes against your society/ and you wonder if i´ve got some last words to say/ before you lock me away// i´ve never been free in your society/ i was born in your captivity/ so don´t expect me to get down on my knees/ and beg you for your mercy// prison´s always been my peoples reality/ tortured, raped and murdered by your society/ locked away/ dumped in mass graves/ for 500 years we´ve been living and dying this way// as prisoners of war/ casualties of war...// i was raised on the front line/ of the war you still fight in these times/ i´ve watched my people die/ victims of your lies/ the alcohol and drugs of your modern genocide/ i saw you destroy all wildlife/ rape our mother earth and poison father sky// so yes i did fight to save all life/ and for that i won't apologize/ i did what i must for our world to survive/ and i'll say it again/ my native heart is my only crime/ so lock me away for your crimes/ and like my ancestors before/ i will serve my time/ but don't even think that you have won this fight/ for no matter what you do my spirit will fly high/ i'll be a thorn in your side until the day i die/ and if ever i break free from your chains/ i'll be back for those i left behind// to save your prisoners of war/ your casualties of war...