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  • Текст песни CAUTIVA - Take No Prisoners

    Исполнитель: CAUTIVA
    Название песни: Take No Prisoners
    Дата добавления: 12.09.2014 | 08:17:11
    Просмотров: 24
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    Здесь расположен текст песни CAUTIVA - Take No Prisoners, перевод и видео.
    Got on chance, infiltrate them
    Get it right, terminate them
    The Panzers will, permeate them
    Break their pride, denigrate them
    And their people, retrograde them
    Typhus, deteriate them
    Epidemic, devastate them
    Take no prisoners, cremate them

    Going to war, give 'em hell
    D-Day, next stop Normandie
    Beginning of the end
    WE know how to and sure as shit we'll win
    War is peace sure man
    A retreat for the damned
    A playground for the demented
    A haven for those who walk this world
    Bereft of heart and soul
    Love and war they say all is fair
    Take his life
    But won't take his hair
    Your body has parts your
    Country can spare
    By the way son here's
    Your wheelchair

    He once had to be all he could be
    Now he's nothing for no one nowhere to see
    Funny thing, he's like you & me
    It's a funny thing, a funny thing
    Tears streak his solemn stare
    Abandoned for wreckage nobody cares
    No one knew what would happen there
    No one spoke no one even dared
    Don't ask what you can do for you country
    Ask what your country can do for you
    Take no prisoners, take no shit
    "Пленных не брать!"
    Всего один шанс пробраться к ним
    Сделаем это, как следует – уничтожим их
    Бронетанковые войска проедут по ним
    Сломаем их гордость, оскверним их
    И их люди отступят
    Сыпной тиф поразит их
    Эпидемия истощит их
    Пленных не брать! Сжечь их!

    Эта война – Ад для них
    День начала операции, cледующая остановка – Нормандия
    Начало конца
    Мы знаем, как победить, и, черт возьми, сделаем это
    Война несет мир, уверен человек
    А отступают уроды
    Эта игра для безумцев
    Рай уготован тем, кто проходит по миру
    Лишенный сердца и души

    Любовь и война – это так прекрасно
    Забираешь его жизнь
    Но ни один волос не упадет
    Твое тело чего-то недосчиталось
    Родина заменит тебе это
    А вот, кстати, и твоя
    Инвалидная коляска

    Когда-то он был всем, чем мог только стать
    Теперь он – ничто для каждого
    Забавно, он такой же, как ты или я
    Забавно, это так забавно
    Слезы заволакивают его торжествующий взор
    Кинут на произвол судьбы
    Никто не знал, что должно было случиться там
    Никто не говорил об этом, даже не осмеливался

    Не спрашивай, что ты можешь сделать для своей страны
    Узнай лучше, что твоя страна способна сделать для тебя
    Пленных не брать! Не брать это дерьмо!
    Got on chance, infiltrate them
    Get it right, terminate them
    The Panzers will, permeate them
    Break their pride, denigrate them
    And their people, retrograde them
    Typhus, deteriate them
    Epidemic, devastate them
    Take no prisoners, cremate them

    Going to war, give 'em hell
    D-Day, next stop Normandie
    Beginning of the end
    WE know how to and sure as shit we'll win
    War is peace sure man
    A retreat for the damned
    A playground for the demented
    A haven for those who walk this world
    Bereft of heart and soul
    Love and war they say all is fair
    Take his life
    But will not take his hair
    Your body has parts your
    Country can spare
    By the way son here's
    Your wheelchair

    He once had to be all he could be
    Now he's nothing for no one nowhere to see
    Funny thing, he's like you & amp; me
    It's a funny thing, a funny thing
    Tears streak his solemn stare
    Abandoned for wreckage nobody cares
    No one knew what would happen there
    No one spoke no one even dared
    Do not ask what you can do for you country
    Ask what your country can do for you
    Take no prisoners, take no shit
    & quot; Take no prisoners ! & quot;
    Just one more chance to get to him
    We do this as follows - destroy them
    Armored forces will drive them
    Break their pride, their profane
    And their people depart
    Typhus smite them
    Epidemic deplete their
    Take no prisoners ! Burn them !

    This war - Hell for them
    Day of the operation , next stop - Normandy
    beginning of the End
    We know how to win, and , hell , we'll do it
    War brings peace , confident man
    A retreat freaks
    This game is for fools
    Paradise prepared for those who pass through the world
    Devoid of heart and soul

    Love and War - it is so beautiful
    Take away his life
    But not a hair will fall
    Your body is something missed
    Homeland replace it to you
    And here , by the way , and your

    Once it was all that could only be
    Now he - nothing for each
    Ironically, it is the same as you or I.
    It's funny , it's so funny
    Tears clouds his triumphant glance
    Throw in the lurch
    Nobody knew what was going to happen there
    Nobody talked about it, do not even dare

    Ask not what you can do for your country
    Know better what your country can do for you
    Take no prisoners ! Do not take this shit !


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