DragonLong ago, before the left and right stereo,
There was a princess, and a dragon.
And, well the princess had no idea the dragon was a dragon.
But, all the while they were pen pals.
Uhm, they you know.. the princess didn't know the dragon was a dragon,
because the dragon had really good penmanship.
So, written on a scroll, a little torn around the edges with India ink,
here we go!
LandmarkYou're on a train, I'm on a plane.
You name the landmark, I'll say the place.
You bring the money, I'll bring what you need.
Cocaine, cocaine.
I kiss my family and leave, I'm on a private plane,
I'm in a limousine.
I'm back in the game.
Last DanceI like to rollerskate with the books on tape
and my headphones are like a big drone
and the parking lot looks like an open field
Oh the Field
This Dance...
Wilma Arrested
Her only thought was
Playing DeadWhen I was playin' dead;
I'd lie down.
I wouldn't move;
Though everything else was...
The swingset;
Kid's playin' catch with their dads...
No one noticed yet that I was gone.
Then she came along...
Your CapeHow do you think that made me feel inside?
It's inside of me
It's inside you too
So I should know
They called me the same names they called you
when you were young
You were scared of the dark
they had to walk you out to the bus stop