- 6 - Watchers Of My Black Temple
It was a night
The night when it happened
I woke up frightened
I could feel your presence as agonizing fear
I could feel how you were dancing around me...
I couldn't see you, only feel
I was freezing and feeling immense apprehension
- And All Believers Shall Be Damned
Far from these lands
Where gods mercy dosen't reach
Where the of the jew shepherd have forgotten
Cremated in the flame of hatred
There the love for Adams children
Ceased to exist and withered away
The shadow has build his kingdom
- Kiss Of Our Dark Mother
In the blackest dreams the serpent was beheaded
It's head burned in the sun but the body escaped
It's tunnel under the ground was like a womb
Shining forth the divine golden light.
In the blackest nightmares the creature appeared like a shadow
It circled around and stared with it's spidery eyes
I could hear it's heavy, fiery sulphurous breathing
- Let The Horror And Chaos Come
World of plagues
Nest of disgusting filth
To be taken to ruin and damnation
All created must be raped
Into the night we whisper a prayer
A black spell full of hate
full of horror and chaos
- My Soul For His Glory
I believe in the one clandestine
and the unspeakable Lord,
and in the star amongst stars,
of which black flame
we all have been created,
and in to where we all will return.
The secret of secrets in his name, Lucifer!
- My Stigmas Bleeding Black
Ave, salus infirmorum, miserere nobis!
The wounds of the suffering are open
My stigmas bleeding black
Wounds from the five blades,
of the inverted star
The Devils black vomit
- Night Of The Blasphemy
The rite of black mass. Deep in the dark forest.
Goats face in the ground. Surrounded by the congregation of darkness. Nocturnal prayer for the mighty lord open this infernal night.
The circle of pentagram closes us inside.
Shielded we are under satans black wings.
It''s the force of the dark side. Children of the night we are hiding in the black fog.
We invoke the dark lord. From the beast we pray the christians death. Goathorns rised up. The blood and corpse of the christian desecrated, we close ourselves in satanic mass...
- Sota Valon Jumalaa Vastaan
Suure pimeyden varjo on laskeutunut ylle pyhien kirkkojen, kun Saatanan mustin siivin saavuimme maillenne. Nyt iskemme kirkkonne tuleen. Nauraen katsomme kun pyhät alttarit mustuvat, kun lieskat lyövät kristuksen kuvaan polttaen sen unohduksiin ikuisiksi ajoiksi. Kun kalpeat kyyneleenne vierivät me iskemme teidät maahan.
Olemme nousseet sotaan valon jumalaa vastaan.
Te säälittävät surkimukset jotka polvillanne itkien kaivatte tuhkasta kadonnutta hyvyyttä toivotte pian heräävänne unesta. Mutta katsokaa sillä tämä ei ole unta. Tunne kuinka roihuava kirkkosi lämmittää rumia kasvojasi.
Yön tyhjyydessä tuuli ulvoo susien äänin raunioissa palaneen kirkon. Puhaltaen unohduksiin kaiken sen häpeän jonka kerran rakensitte. Ja niin on oleva että vielä kerran tulevat liekit nousemaan. Mustempana ja uljaampana kuin koskaan.
- Wrathful Dragon Hau-Hra
Hau-Hra - breaker of lies
Serpent without beginning or end
Open your coil of death
And awake from the waters of Nun.
Across the timeless aeon
Through the constituents of worlds
From the midst of the purple maelstrom