21'st Century Digital Boyi can't believe it, the way you look sometimes, like a trampled flag
on a city street, oh yeah, and i don't want it, the things you're
offering me, symbolized bar code, quick i.d., oh yeah, i'm a 21st
century digital boy, i don't know how to live (or read) but i've got a
lot of toys, my daddy is a lazy middle class intellectual, my mommy's
on valium, she's so ineffectual, ain't life a mystery? i can't explain
it, the things they're saying to me, it's going yayayayayayaya, oh
yeah, i tried to tell you about no control, but now i really don't
21st CenturyI can’t believe it,
The way you look sometimes,
Like a trampled flag on a city street,
Oh yeah,
And I don’t want it,
The things you’re offering me,
Symbolized bar code quick id,
Oh yeah,
21st Century Digital BoyI can't believe it,
the way you look sometimes,
like a trampled flag on a city street.
Oh yeh.
And I don't want it,
the things you're offering me,
symilized barcode, quick I.D.
A Streetkid Named Desire
well, it was punk-fifteen in the morning
and it was time
to stand my ground
and as the gawks and stares bombarded me
you know, I didn't even
hear a sound
no one gave a damn
A World Without Melody(Graffin)
I don’t want to live
In a world without melody
Sometimes the rhythmic din
Of society is too much for me
But purpose is prioritized
These days the goal is win the prize
Ad HominemSee all people in Afghanistan praying to the gods and living in the sand.
Somebody’s gonna have to set them free, nobody hears the call or command.
But it’s a long way to Harlem, and a long stretch to the king of Siam.
And if you don’t have a penny, why should I give a damn?
Ad Hominem. You think you’re better than I am?
Ad Hominem. You think you’re better than I am.
Against The GrainThree thousand miles of wilderness
Overcome by the flow
A lonely restitution of pavement
Pomp and Show
I seek a thousand answers
I find but one or two
I maintain no discomfiture
My path again renewed
All Fantastic ImagesEngland seemed like such a beautiful place from afar
Until one day I went and saw how miserable things really are
All fantastic images they only are apparent
propagated just by hope
and desire to share it
Beuty was the allure that brought me close to you
All There IsThis song goes out
to all the hopeless sinners,
with grave allegiances,
so meaningless and vain,
The walking wounded in a pagent of contenders
Who balance on a rail of pain for just a pail of rain
Along The WayI refuse to abuse what is kind to the Muse,
but it's there and it's happening to me along the way.
as we go through the snow, we cannot forget our foes,
but the dinner's always waiting at the table 'long the way, yeah.
what you see, not for me, isn't what you planned to be,
but you'll have what you wanted in the end along the way.
and we'll try as we cry and our brothers pass us by,
American JesusI don't need to be a global citizen,
'Cause I'm blessed by nationality,
I'm a member of a growing populace,
We enforce our popularity
There are things that seem to pull us under and
There are things that drag us down,
But there's a power and a vital presence
That's lurking all around
Anesthesiaeverybody is talking about the girl who went and killed the delivery
man, but she looks so kind and gentle, it just doesn't stand to
reason, i saw her right there just like the other night as stately as
a slot machine, but when she looked my way something mad as hell came
over me, anasthesia, mona lisa, i've got a little gun, here comes
oblivion, i never loved y ou, how did youfind me? the cops will never
prove complicity now, anna..., all good children go to heaven! i
remember your face that august night when we lied about the beautiful
Atheist PeaceMaybe it’s too late for an intellectual debate,
But a residue of confusion remains.
Changing with the times,
And developmentally tortured minds
Are the average citizen's sources of pain.
Tell me what we’re fighting for—
Automatic ManHe's the latest superhero with powers so profound.
He can leap a dotted line in just a single bound.
I know you must have seen him in books and magazines.
He's the quintessential mindless modern epicine.
His life is meaningful because he gets things done.
Bang bang he's dead, chalk up another triumph for our hero,
The Automatic Man.
It's true you must have met him, he's your best friend and your foe.
AvalonAs the sun comes creeping up the mountain
And the wind blows over from the sea
Hey, we're brought into this land like tiny particles of sand,
Unsure of who we're smarter than or what we're meant to be
If the grains sift coarsely through the hour glass
And collect like their victims in the bowl
The ungodly force of change erodes all sense of earthly gains
While tending to the mundane will terrorize your soul
Best for YouAbove us lay the burdens, below us lay the truth.
We're somewhere in the middle, and we're all discontent too.
Is someone watching over you?
Inside they know what's best for you.
Judgment's not tomorrow, its today (yes now it's here).
But no it isn't Jesus, take a look at all your peers.
They're all looking down on you.
Inside they know what's best for you...
Better Off DeadI'm sorry about the sun
How could I know that you would burn?
And I'm sorry about the moon
How could I know that you'd disapprove
And I'll never make the same mistake
The next time I create the universe
I'll make sure we communicate at length
Big BangThis isn't another new fashion, or a new wave plastic trend.
Everybody's searching for something but in the meantime let's all just pretend.
I've got this feeling and I don't know what it is.
This room is overcrowded, man, and I need air to breathe, yeah.
Big bang, big crunch, you know there's no free lunch.
Kneel down and pray, here comes your judgment day.
Big crunch, you know, it's gonna be quite a show.
What comes around always goes around, yeah.
Boot Stamping On A Human Face ForeverDrop dead, it doesn't matter, she said
It only hurts when I laugh, she said
Sometimes it's never a crime
To spend the day in bed
She made certain that the curtains were red
To dream better by the light they would shed
She leaned back, tilted her head
And this is what she said?
Bored And Extremely Dangerouswith nothing better to do no one to come home to I woefully conclude to take it out on you I'm bored to
the extreme this world of foolish dreams disillusion I am not who I seem to be yeah sure I might do harm
and bear my right to arm RETRIBUTION If only someone would listen to me a room and empty shelf a book
on mental health I look for inner wealth by punishing myself I'm bored to the extreme this world of fool-
ish dreams disillusion I am not who I seem to be yeah sure I might do harm and bear my right to arm
RETRIBUTION If only someone would listen
Cant Stop ItBad Religion - Can't Stop It
I'm incurable but durable it's easy to see
Lack of restraint is a complaint of those around me
I know that others postpone
Gratification well I lack that affectation
Let's get it right
there's no end in sight
CeaseBlacktop pavement cover me
Like a chemical reaction or a steam roller
Spreading randomly
There's a distant buzz and a low frequency
It tickles my ear, rumbles under my feet
And it shakes the leaves off of every tree (violently)
What pretension! Everlasting peace
Change Of IdeasWell the sheaves have all been brought
but the fields have washed away
And the palaces now stand
where the coffins all were laid
And the times we see ahead
we must glaze with rozy hues
For what don't wish to admit
what it is we have to lose
Changing TideEvery day's the same routine of endless chores and boring details
And you know you're waiting for the perfect condition for your ship to set sail
But of course the climate's always changing
Clining to the past has got you straining
Comes the recognition now you're on a mission that is born to fail
(Leave it)
Chasing The Wild GooseThere was a man who banged his head against a wall
He banged for 20 years, the damn thing wouldn't fall
He left an honest life
He left a broken wife
He left it all behind, just to see what he could find
Millions and millions chase the wild goose tonight
To conquer loneliness they'll chase it all their lives
Come Join Usso you say you gotta know why the world goes 'round
and you can't find the truth in the things you've found
and you're scared shitless 'cause evil abounds
come join us
well I heard you were looking for a place to fit in
full of adherent people with the same objective
a family to cling to and call brethren
Crisis TimeThere's a feeling about myself that I can't understand
It's a foreboding sense that I see all around the land
When the wheel of fortune turns progressively depraved
It's the manifestation of a biospheric decay
Keep yourself in line, there's no design
The new paradigm is crisis time
Dearly BelovedHere's a story of an honest man losing religion,
Climbing the pulpit steps before an eager congregation,
The while praying came a wicked inspiration,
Brothers, sisters this is what he said:
Dearly beloved, dearly beloved, dearly beloved,
(Make no mistake, despite our traits, I've seldom seen evidence of genes)
I can't relate to you, I can't relate to you!
Dept. of False HopeWelcome, my son
To where the work is never done
And the hungry are seldom ever fed
The department of false hope
Is a proving ground for dopes
And they'll grind your tiny bones to make their bread
Destined For NothingWho do you believe can put some meaning in your life
meaning in your life
meaning in your life
Who do you conceive to provide you guidance and light
guidance and light
guidance and light
Are they waiting for you in the by and by
Do you even have to try
Do What You Want"Do What You Want"
Hey do what you want, but don't do it around me.
Idleness and dissipation breed apathy.
I sit on my ass all goddamn day,
A misanthropic anthropoid with nothing to
Say what you must, do all you can,
Break all the fucking rules and
Don't Sell Me Shortwe don't need any more mountains
because the trail builders
failed to give us passage there
so we can't reach the sky
we don't need any more failure
there is human tragedy
that's written everywhere
and we are all too young to die
Drastic ActionsHeard a word, suicide,
Not from one, but from thousands that tried.
The lawyer's wife and the teenage brat,
One thing in common, they all wanted out.
And it's plain to see.
It goes for you and it goes for me,
And all the screwed up little girls and boys
All thrown in without a choice.
Dream of UnityI had a dream...of unity
Where we could work side by side
But today I see that it's only me
Just trying to get by
Sometimes we strive...undeterred
To walk as one... Toward our goal
But as people stray towards more selfish ways
Eat Your Dogweak and sick, dying in the sand, no such thing as a promised land.
don't lose faith in a better life reincarnation, poor excuse.
you're dying you assholes, your religion can't help you now.
dying and starving in the fields you used to plow.
rotting bones in your barren fields. worshipped creature's supposed to heal.
he won't save you and he won't save me. see what you want to see.
hindu religion in the mind of a working joe,
starving and dying in the fields you used to know.
Empty CausesEverwhere you looked there was confusion, violence, drama and drugs
so many righteous revolutionaries spouting utopian love
everyone shrouded in purple haze
then one day they woke up from their dream state
they found themselves no more at peace than before
older, meek, and conformed
empty causes
Entropyrandom blobs of power expressed as that which we all disregard,
ordered states of nature on a scale that no one thinks about, don't
speak to me of anarchy or peace of calm revolt, man, we're in a play
of slow decay orchestrated by boltzmann, it's entropy, it's not a
human issue, entropy, it's matter of course, entropy, enegery at all
levels, entropy, from it you can not divorce and your pathetic moans
of suffrage tend to lose all significance, extinction, degradation;
the natural outcomes of our ordered lives, power, motivation;
EpiphanyA new age of reason
Brain treason to trick the mind
What good is searching
If nothings there to find
We arrive at this place
Of no return my brothers
Only to discover that our minds have led us away
So far from the painful truth
EvangelineShe came from Heaven, well, there's no point belaboring that
I've seen some trouble and I must admit that I'm in demand
I confront rejection with magnetic good intentions and yet
hey Jack, Get back, in fact Don't do that
I act sharp but feel uncertain 'cause next time it could be curtains
Evangeline (evangeline)
conspirator so fine
Lend me your faith 'cause mine is broken
Faith AloneHeard a sermon from a creaky pulpit with no one in the nave
I paid a visit to the synagogue and i left there feeling blame
No one could tell me what to do
No one had the ability to answer me
What the world needs now is some answers to our problems
We can't buy more time because our tender isn't valid
If your soul needs love you can consoled by pity
Fields of MarsIn the garden where he was cast out by the lord
Flames an Omni-directional sword
For he as ever failed to gather up the fruit
And thus was banished with his loot
He cantered aimlessly through endless permutations of night
Seeking a purpose and the meaning of kin
And when it finally came to him
Flat Earth Societylie lie lie... the full moon is rising over dark water and the fools
below are picking up sticks and the man in the gallows lies
permanently waiting for the doctors to come back and tend to him, the
flat earth society is meeting here today, singing happy little lies
and the bright ship humana is sent far away with grave
determination... and no destination, lie lie lie... yeah, nothing
feels better than a spray of clean water and the whistling wind on a
calm summer night but you'd better believe that down in their quarters
Fuck Armageddon... This Is HellThere's people out there that say I'm no good,
'Cause I don't believe the things that I should,
And when the final conflict comes, I'll be so sorry I did wrong,
And hope and pray that our lord god will think I'm good.
Countries manufacture bombs and guns
To kill your brother for something that he hasn't even done.
Smog is ruining my lungs, but they aren't sorry they've done wrong,
Fuck Armaggedon...This Is HellThere's people out there that say I'm no good,
cause I don't believe the things that I should,
and when the final conflict comes, I'll be so sorry I did wrong,
and hope and pray that our lord god will think I'm good.
Countries manufacture bombs and guns
to kill your brother for something that he hasn't even done.
Smog is ruining my lungs, but they aren't sorry they've done wrong,
they hide behind their lies that they're helping everyone.
Fuck YouEverybody needs a slogan in their pocket or two
It never hurts to have a strategy you can go to
Sometimes I have no sense at all
As most flawed men are won't to do
Just say fuck you
Pavlovian rude
GeneratorLike a rock,
like a planet,
Like a fucking atom bomb,
I'll remain unperturbed by the joy and the madness
that i encounter everywhere I turn
I've seen it all along
In book and magazines
like a twitch before dying
Give You NothingHey, everybody's looking but they never can see,
All the angst, corruption and the dishonesty.
Think about the times and places you've never known,
You're a man-swarm atom and yet you're alone,
So I give you me, I give you nothing!
I give you me, I give you nothing!
So you got a place that you can call all your own,
But you make a habit of carrying the stone.
God SongAnd did those feet in ancient times trod on America's pastures of green?
And did that anthropocentric God wane with their thoughts and
Beliefs all unseen?
I don't think so, he's up there with the others laying low
Vying with those, who you've traded your life to bless your soul
And have they told you how to think
Grains Of WrathBack in '83 a man came to men and he told me "Son, our way of life is done"
But I was only young
With an eye to the fields speculators and yields rotten to the core,
Monoculture whores entered the bidding wars from distant shores,
I don't wanna be in the land known as destitute and free,
With the grains of wrath blazing a path from sea to shining sea!
Honest GoodbyeNow get up and give in I’ll crack your knuckles again
Supplicate and survive this transubstantiation
And get so mean - I want to know what it means
(Did you laugh?) You know I did
(Did you cry?) I couldn’t get it right
(Did you live?) Always on the edge
(Did you lie?) Causing such a fright
I Love My ComputerI love my computer you make me feel alright
Every waking hour and every lonely night
I love my computer for all you give to me
Predictable errors and no identity
And it's never been quite so easy
I've never been quite so happy
I Want To Conquer The WorldHey Brother Christian with your high and might errand,
Your actions speak so loud, I can't hear a word you're saying.
Hey Sister Bleeding Heart with all of your compassion,
Your labors soothe the hurt but can't assuage temptation.
Hey man of science with your perfect rules of measure,
Can you improve this place with the data that you gather?
Hey Mother Mercy can your loins bear fruit forever?
Is your fecundity a trammel or a treasure?
I Won't Say AnythingHe looked just like a zookeeper in a human zoo
so I said hey man how the hell did they get to you
don't you know us animals need something to do
then I flew
that's when he said
hey, I can't deny it, but I won't say anything
hey, I can't deny it, but I won't say anything
Incompletemother, father, look at your little monster,
I'm a hero, I'm a zero,
I'm the butt of the worst joke in history,
I'm a lock without a key,
a city with no door, a prayer without faith,
a show without a score,
I'm a bad word, a wink, a nod, a shiver,
an untold story, sex without purity,
Now here I go,
Hope I don't break down,
I won't take anything, I don't need anything,
Don't want to exist, I can't persist,
Please stop before I do it again,
Just talk about nothing, let's talk about nothing,
It's A Long Way To The PromiseIt's a long way to the promise land
So you'd better well know your way
There's a ship on the ocean
And an albatross who is trying to lead you astray
Leaders, politicians, and power whores
Are in line to receive your choice
And you bet your ass, if you give it to them,
They will gladly take your voice
L.A. is burningSomewhere high in the desert near a curtain of blue
St. Anne's skirts are billowing
But down here in the city of limelights
The fans of Santa Ana are withering
And you can't deny the living is easy
If you never look behind the scenery
It's Showtime for dry climes
And bedlam is dreaming of rain
Leaders and FollowersLeaders and Followers
There's the image of a man
Who commands a high opinion
But he hides his hatred with a sheepish grin
"Let Them Eat War"
There's a prophet on a mountain and he's making up dinner
With long division and writing crop
Anybody can feel like a winner
When it's served up piping hot
Los Angeles Is BurningSomewhere high in the desert near a curtain of a blue
St. Anne's skirts are billowing
But down here in the city of the lime lights
The fans of santa ana are withering
And you can’t deny that living is easy
If you never look behind the scenery
It's showtime for dry climes
And bedlam is dreaming of rain
Lost PilgrimPilgrim, those are dry and bitter tears and lonely
Eyes that look way beyond your years
Pilgrim, did you drink the mercury?
Your lips turned blue and you're struggling just to see,
You were too far gone to carry on, now your life has stalled,
As you march ahead yet go no place at all..
Pilgrim, when you left them all behind
Man With A Missionrescue me when I get too deep,
talk to me there's nothing to tell,
Everyone, is a hypocrite,
look to me,
I'll save your soul
Now somebody out there must be
reading my mail
Cuz' everybody knows
Markedif I'm a monster,
I am a willing one,
this roller coaster ride is an enticing one,
on the tip of a continuum flowing wavelike
through disorder carry me like a vessel to water
everything you see leaves a mark on your soul,
everything you feel leaves a mark on your soul,
MediocrityI've spent my life observing
and then pondering this place
and never has confusion ever ceased
I've also heard a lot of exaltation for our kind
and sanctimonious reverence for peace
The stories from our childhood
condition us to think
that beauty is a basic human trait
Meeting Of The MindsIn 325, the Council devised a set of sacred testaments, transparent and wise
The truth is only ever relied on that which we agree and abide
At the meeting of the minds
Reading of the times
Open the blinds
To our complicated lives
We all need some kind of creed to lead us to light
Misery And FamineSo proud of history, replete with sanctity
Orbs in their harmony, they sing their code to me
Have you ever heard yourself, the orbit that you are in?
The terse, oppressive blanket that's instilled here by our spin
It's misery and famine, it's a force we cannot see
Misery and famine, it compels us naturally
Misery and famine, great ellipse, we bend to thee
My Poor Friend MeI know a man
Who doesn't have many friends
I know a place he lives
Where trouble never ends
I know its hard for him
To read 'tween the lines
And his days are getting so much shorter
He simply turns away
New Americado you know the cost of future misery?
have you lost your sense of sustainability?
we are just a step away
from realizing what we strive to be
but we've got to break out
from this insulated blind and lame senility
wake up the new america
New Dark AgesYeah can you hear the call in our rambling land susurrations,
That can expand beyond all hope of light and plunge us into unrelenting night
A pall on truth and reason,
It feels like hunting season
So avoid those lines of sight and we'll set this right
Welcome to the new dark ages
News From The FrontBlood is a river,
Flowing darkly amidst the tangled roots of the tall shining city
Crazy flowing mantide migrations
Engorge the big ventricle of heartbroken America
So many heaven hoping, hopeful groping breathers
All tap together quietly and desperately in unison
Hey, hey, hey, is anybody listening?
No ControlCulture was the seed of proliferation but it's gotten melded
Into an inharmonic whole, to an inharmonic whole.
Consciousness has plagued us and we cannot shake it
Though we think we're in control, though we think we're in control.
Questions that besiege us in life are testament of our helplessness.
There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end.
When we all disintegrate it will all happen again, yeah.
Time is so rock solid in the minds of the hordes but they can't
No DirectionA sullen figure walks along a dusty road
his life was holy and he couldn't bear the load
he left his people and a simple life behind
he raised his torso and he looked into the sky
shouting his questions
looking for directions
"what do I do now?"
now a confused school girl stares at the TV tray
Nobody Listenshey mister, don't point at me
you shout rhetoric nonsense like a Pavlovian model
responding to his questions
hey teacher, arrogance is bliss
you spend your time turning water into life
as if you were God's foreman
Nothing To DismayNow, there's a list of catalysts that hold the heart at bay
They grip the mind and sap the soul and feed on your dismay
And I never understood why you can't see the world this way
The lines are drawn at the break of dawn there's nothing to dismay
It's no, no, no security
No, no no security
Only EntertainmentTransfixated on the big blue screen
its your window to the outside
a melancholy dream
a medium upon which you build reality
this episodic currency
that everybody needs
somebodies delivery lulls you to sleep
the man behind the weather map
Only RainHey scientist please save us from our rainy days*
because your counterpart in the magic art is manufacturing judgment day
Tthere's a fell wind blowing out of the east
Bringing famine drought and plague
Well now at least that's what they say
Rain fell like judgment
Across my windowpane
Past is DeadSolemn regret, transgressions fill my head
A measure of success is how well to forget
And the past is dead
Strewn about the battlefield of life are the remainders of history
When convenient we exalt them and pay them such respect
As if we're all in an equivalent trajectory
Pity The DeadThere's a boy in crimson rags with a grimace and a spoon, and a little sullen
Girl face-up staring at the moon
And there's no one around to hear their lonesome cries
Then they pass away alone into the night
Why do we pity the dead?
Are you churned by emotion from voices in your head?
(are you scared of the logic that swirls within your head)
Politicseconomy, technology, doesn't really work.
can't try running for government, I'm not a jerk!
I've tried to see these faces all around the way
you're lucky if they listen to a single word you say.
what is right and what is wrong?
the government decides.
you don't have no rights at all,
as long as you don't fight.
Popular ConsensusSome people are almost impossible to live with
Some people have faith in the craziest things
They follow outdated conventions that were recorded
But most of it to me all sounds insane
Maybe that's what you need to get you through the night
Maybe you've seen the light
But you know that popular consensus doesn't make it right
Pride And The PallorPapa had a wife and kids he kept them on a leash and he bid them all to do his every deed
When he was a kid he was treated just the same so he hid his feelings from his family
Lost as an island out at sea, resistant to the gentle waves of empathy
Papa and his family always on parade
Tearing through the turnstiles, a weekender's charade
But time will tell, as their world crumbles to hell
Prove Ithit the road in wander mode, inquire along the way savoir-faire in full despair while living d a y - t o - d a y my heart is not a cauldron of proof I don't ever need to prove myself to you looking back I'm off the
tracks more times than I recognize mistakes are another opportunity to refine my heart is not a cauldron of proof I don't ever need to prove myself to you there's no such thing as hell but you can make it if you try there
may come a day when emotion can be quantified but as of now there's no proof necessary no proof necessary no proof necessary
Punk Rock SongHave you been to the desert?
Have you walked with the dead?
There's a hundred thousand children being killed for their bread
And the figures don't lie, they speak of human disease
But we do what we want and we think what we please
Have you lived the experience?
Queen of the 21st CenturyFrom the time she could crawl
She was all draped in macrame'
She was preen and redeemed
In a church that tried to show the way
She was taught to never ask for more
They had no idea of what she had in store
She's the queen of the 21st century
Raise Your Voicepa pa papa pa pa papa raise your voice! (4x)
don't be played like someone else's board game
don't be classed out like some desperate redoubt
don't be misled you've got a lot on your head
and nobody's gonna pay attention when you are dead
Recipe For Hatecan't you feel it can't you see it
the promise of prosperity
it's overwhelming you and me
it afflicts us like a disease
ubiquitous compelling too
we cling to you like crazy glue
and inject such a potent seed
it's best for all humanity
Requiem for DissentOratory of hope and glory a whisper and a rhyme
An effigy, a soldier out of time
Citizen and patriot you can't be far behind
The funeral is weighting heavy on your mind
Bring the dissident from slumber
SanityThere's a watch in my pocket and its hands are broken.
The face is blank but the gears are turning.
Confusion is a fundamental state of mind.
It doesn't really matter what I'm figuring out.
I'm guaranteed to wind up in a state of doubt
And sanity is a full-time job
In a world that is always changing,
ScrutinyOne – two – three – four – five – six – seven – eight
Days go marching by
There and back I never wait for a confident reply
Truth is stark and leaves its mark as limited constraints
And the most difficult part is accepting what the future may bring
It seems like a lifetime of scrutiny
Shattered FaithThe scientist purported that there ain't no purpose
and the theologian told me that it's all been designed
and I'm trying to maintain objectivity
The world won't illuminate what really matters
and I'm an imperfect moral meaning extractor
processing the complexity
Born of the Earth (Are we blind?)
Sinister RougeInnocents burned,
alive at the stake
Tortured and dumped
In nameless graves
Centuries wane
Authority died
Scattering seeds of ancient lies
SkyscraperCome let us make bricks and burn them hard,
We'll build a city with a tower for the world
and climb so we can reach anything we may propose,
anything at all
Build me up, tear me down
like a skyscraper
Build me up, then tear down
SlumberSo, you're feeling unimportant,
'Cuz you've got nothing to say.
And your life is just a ramble
No one understands you anyway
Well, I got a piece of news son,
That might make you change your mind
Your life is historically meaningful
Social SuicideRight now
Well it's finally time to face my fears
Gunna get the hell out of here
And create a fresher atmosphere
But the consequences clear
There's a furnace set on high
And a yearning undefined
Someone to BelieveDark, frozen, hibernation held at bay
As your mind, left behind, lost another day
But finally there's someone to believe
Anti-social boredom is all the rage but the time comes when you gotta turn the page
And then finally there's someone to believe
And now you walk with confidence and ease
And there's no call to sell your soul or confess or drop down to your knees
Sometimes I Feel Like...There's a specter in the corner of an illustrated page
And a lonesome muted stripling with a rapt remedial gaze.
The poverty of his language and the wealth of his emotion
Bring him endless murky musings and unexpected frustration
Angst and madness weave the fabric of his life.
Tomorrow might be better but right now it feels like
There's a panther wild and proud behind the doors of a redolent cage,
Strange Denial
A mutinous enemy carved a nascent country
Sweat, blood, and valor
Forms the grit of our history
Beqeathed to everyone:
Chance and free expression
Substance was restrained
And the spirit was broken
Stranger Than Fictiona febrile shocking violent smack
the children are hoping for a heart attack,
tonight the windows are watching,
the streets all conspire,
and the lamppost can't stop crying,
if I could fly high above the world,
would I see a bunch of living dots spell the world stupidity?,
or would I see hungry lover homicides,
Struck a Nervethere's an old man on a city bus
holding a candy cane
and it isn't even Christmas
he sees a note in the obituary
that his last friend has died
there's an infant clinging
to his overweight mother in the cold
as they go to shop for cigarettes
Submission CompleteDedication is the price you pay: the initiated are
Coddled and caged
Before you walk, as soon as you crawl
Hope is pointless 'cuz you're stuck in the trawl
Fuck the freshman lectures and brandishments
They just betray impoverished accomplishments
The puppet masters fear originality
They tighten up the tethers and they shackle your feet
SufferDid you ever see the concrete stares of everyday?
The lunatic, the hypocrite, are all lost in the fray.
Can't you see their lives are just like yours?
An unturned stone, an undiscovered
Door leading to the gift of hope renewed, eternity for you.
The masses of humanity have always had to suffer.
The businessman whose master plan controls the world each day
Is blind to indications of his species' slow decay.
SupersonicWell, I am not making haste or could it be haste is making me
Whats time but a thing to kill or keep or buy or lose or live in
I gotta go faster
Keep up the pace
Just to stay in the human race
I could go supersonic, the problems chronic
Tell me does life exist beyond it?
When I need to sate, I just accelerate
Ten In 2010parched, cracked mouths, empty swollen guts
sun-baked pavement encroaches on us
haves and have-nots together at last
brutally engaged in mortal combat
10 in 2010
what kind of God orchestrates such a thing?
10 in 2010
The AnswerLong ago in a dusty village
full of hunger, pain and strife
a man came forth with a vision of truth
and the way to a better life
he was convinced he had the answer
and he complelled people to follow along
but the hunger never vanished
and the man was banished
The Biggest Killer In American Historyk..k..k..killer (2x)
you have got your stranglers and prowlers in soft shoes
furniture makers, carpenters too
bombers and commandos, all with some lost cause
disgruntled workers, immersed in "veritas"
but stealthily, in the land of the free, it's lurking right there
The Day that the Earth StalledDo you remember when we were young, adventure had no end?
Those were the days my friend
But I'm not talking about that at all
Do you remember when you marred my future with a sickly parasitic pall?
That was the day that the earth stalled
That was the day the earth stalled
That was the day the earth stalled
The DefenceNothing comes easier than madness in the world today
Mass paranoia is a mode not a melody
Yeah I'd like to watch all thousand cable channels but there's nothing on
And my high speed connection's monitored daily by the pentagon
These things are seldom what they seem
I'm not inclined to enjoy my dreams
Won't go away
The DefenseNothing comes easier than madness in the world today
Mass paranoia is a mode not a melody
Yeah I'd like to watch all thousand cable channels but there's nothing on
And my high speed connection's monitored daily by the pentagon
These things are seldom what they seem
I'm not inclined to enjoy my dreams
won't go away
The Devil In StitchesHey angels fall down without warning
Cherry lipstick on their teeth and all dangerous curves
She had a bullet proof mind and big pawn shop eyes
And nothing you could say would get to her
So don't look homeward angel from that rumble seat
I can strum twice and make it all go away
We'll tap every last drop until that beating stops
The DodoI see a white haired man, he's got a pseudonym
He's telling people how they're supposed to live
Nobody's listening to the politician
No matter what sage advice he has to give
He's got a clumsy, outdated m.o.
And he's come to a fork in the road
And there is only one direction to go
The Empire Strikes FirstWe strike first
And we're unrehearsed
Here we go again
To stage the greatest show on heaven and earth
Come on, get your money's worth
Don't wanna live
Don't wanna give
The Grand DelusionIf I could only get the tools, the stimuli and
Molecules, frozen moments in time
I could be the archetype, a credit to the
Genotype, re-program your mind
But the storybook sages fill their pages
Hiding from the warming sun
Limitless distractions give no pause to distort a
The Gray Racethe framework of the world
is black and white
the infrastructure builders
flex their might
turning true emotion
into digital expression
one by one we all fall down
The Hippy KillersOur apocalypse 1981 / Teenage vagrants lookin' for some fun /
A renewed promise of prosperity / A vulgar platform for the
world to see / We were / The hippy killers
Busted refuse from broken bones / Pocked flesh and
malicious bones / Creatures sustained by desire, heart, and
soul / Nothing to leave and nowhere to go / We were / The
hippy killers
The hopeless housewifeOh me oh my
Get out of your 1950’s fantasy,
Your face shines with misery transparently
Spew out that sobering
Half-assed victim rhetoric
Make ’em all squirm
While they chew on it
It’s a secret handshake
The Resist StanceSeeds of rebellion lay outside your front door
If you nourish them and water them they'll grow into a healthy what for?
And if revolution isn't what's in store
How can you care anymore?
It's a dangerous slip,
a conscientious shift
In the spirit of resistance you gotta hold your grip
The Same Personyou want prosperity for yourself but not for me
somehow you just can't see we're in this collectively
you think that freedom is a drastic severence
from your past relations, just a quest for new bargains
we're not the same person
we're not the same person
(don't you ever wanna know)
The Streets Of AmericaDesolate and without purpose
Radiating from so many septic sources
Forming the fabric of a wayward people
Disappearing as the vestiges of our past
Scratched like tartan into virgin soil
A substrate for progress and disarray
A spreading network of broken dreams
The Surface Of MeOh yeah!
A study of history reveals an unflagging appeal to mystery
You talk about abstraction at the top of the list
But you might as well get pissed,
cause in me the essence does not exist, no-oh-oh
Yeah yeah!
You're so shallow
How can your romance hope to be the veil of an ersatz human nature
The World Won't Stopyou've got to quit your little charade
and join the freak parade
now that your road has been paved
from conception to your grave,
there are enormous thongs to do
others practices to eschew,
to be better than you is impossible to do,
but the world won't stop without you
Them And Usdespite that he saw blatant similarity
he struggled to find a distinctive moiety
all he found was vulgar superficiality
but he focused it to sharpness
and shared it with the others
it signified his anger and misery
them and us
Time and Disregardfrom the bird and the deer who live on the same
to the condominiums that litter the plain
it took time... time and disregard
from the green and the trees that shot high in the air
to the high-business market-men who take all that's there
it took time... time and disregard
one more acre, another tree
Tiny Voicesthe brown and orange sky holds its breath
as the sun retreats to the distant horizon,
and our hearts palpitate anxiously as we soon will lay supine,
and wait for sleep to overcome us
and from somewhere in our black,
subconscious minds when we're asleep,
comes a haunting swelling mass of voices,
TomorrowEvery day we profit so
Leaning toward the great unknown
Asking how it pertains to tomorrow
Aim for places we've not been
Trample paths that go between
Yesterdays foundations and tomorrow
It's the way they say it's got to be
We spear ahead and forge our destiny
Too Much to AskA refreshing plunge, a drink of platable water
A deep inspiration on a warm summer day
A safe stroll in the middle of the road community
A neighbor who in times of need will not turn away
I ain't no politiciam
I am a citizen
And I wonder if I'm living too far out of bounds
True NorthUnrepentant vagabond.
Plot the new coordinates and cast the map aside.
Now I gotta ramble on,
Navigate the pitfalls and cross the great divide.
The mapmaker's legend has direction and a key.
He set the declination, but what good is it to me?
Turn Your Back on MeI've been searching for so long
now the search party is gone
won't somebody tell me what the hell went wrong
we started out so strong
I never wanted to hurt you
I didn't plan to desert you
I couldn't possibly express how much I care
Victims Of The RevolutionWhat will prove to be our big mistake?
Short-sighted arrogance all for what sake?
Our families to ashes, our ambitions to dust
Our progeny in silence thinking "what about us?"
But don't forget
The dance of neglect
The march for empowering prosperity
The pain from loss and want for mere lucidity
Walk Awayshut off the t.v. and peel off those sunday gloves, and i'll stain the
clean that you've been counting, old mr. fletcher passed by here
today, after 40 years of toil he just stood up and walked away,
fantastic the panic that showed in his eyes, he shrugged when i asked
him about it, he said "young man pay heed, you listen well to what i
say, now there comes a time for a man to walk away", walk away, i'll
be a parade, and i'll be determined that no one shall dissuade on my
way, i'll sure take some time to burn all the bridges that i'm leaving
Where the Fun isSmacked back tarmac stars are scars of fame
In the place where no one knows me by my name
Where tar pit drips its drilled out vein
And fashion trips on tangled skein
If you need to slake that aching in your brain
This is where the fun is
Whisper In Timeall those stories that my dad told me,
they are just a whisper in time
all those things that never came to be,
they are just a whisper in time
a whisper in time, a whisper in time
things that I can't shake from my mind
a whisper in time, a whisper in time
Wrong Way KidsStop them from shimmering away
On blank sidewalk glittering asphalt somewhere summer days
The wrong way kids were something more than friends
Navigating a sprawl without end
Did you ever want to take bad advice
Did you ever want to go and take it twice
Do you remember when the world began to put up its thorny fence
YesterdayRun, but don't be scared to look behind.
Stop, don't wait too long, make up your mind.
The end is almost here,
The sky, the air, so nice and clear,
The sound of your decay,
And the ringing in the air is the sweet debris of yesterday.
There, now that you know it's not so bad.
Youthere's a place where everyone can be happy
it's most beautiful place in the whole fuckin' world
it's made of candy canes and planes
and bright, red choo choo trains
and the meanest little boys
most innocent little girls
and you know, I wish that I could go there
it's a road that I have not found
You Are The GovernmentHey sit down and listen and they'll tell you when you're wrong.
Eradicate but vindicate as "progress" creeps along.
Puritan work ethic maintains its subconscious edge
As Old Glory maintains your consciousness.
There's a loser in the house, and a puppet on the stool,
And a crowded way of life, and a black reflecting pool,
And as the people bend, the moral fabric dies,
The country can't pretend to ignore its people's cries.
You Give UpSo...
You’ve given it all you can
And your life is in the garbage can
And you say you’re tired and dry
Cuz your mind won’t let you cry
So you hang up what is left inside
And you want to kiss it all goodbye
ПрозрениеТвои слова для меня - просто шепот,
Твое лицо - размытое пятно,
А когда я пытаюсь прислушаться,
Твой голос просто смолкает...
В моей голове всегда идет дождь,
Поэтому я и забываю все то,