Azz... berkyt все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Когда Я Забуду...It'slike a giant... strobe light. Burning right through my eyes. Butsomehow I can still see. Oh, God... We know the dream's the same everynight. Why do I have to ...Childrenlook like burnt paper. Black. Not moving. Then the balst wave hitsthem. And they fly apart like leaves! It's not a dream, you moron. It's REAL. On August 29, 1997 it's gonnafeel pretty FUCKIN' real to YOU, too! Anybody not wearing 2millionsunblock is gonna have a real BAD DAY, get it? You think you're safeand alive? You're already DEAD! Him, you, you're DEAD already! Thiswhole place, everything you see here is GONE! YOU'RE the one living ina FUCKING DREAM, Silberman! 'Cause I know it happens! It HAPPENS!