AlhazredSwirling desert sands surround my disembodied ka
As I gaze unblinking into the unblinking eye of Ra
I witness visions of distant vistas eclipsed
By the far-flung, ominous shadows of monolithic monuments
Cyclopean, stone idols placed on rock-hewn plinths
Looming over every obliterated edifice
Like jagged crags protruding from a watery abyss
As Someone Forgotas do they pass only winters
as a summers after the time
as don't be you nevermore
heap up blind's forces that the world
in you conscience
you scream - "i forget"...
Failure of ReligionHistory of religion
Only cant and oppression
In nomine sanctum
Burnt bonfires of inquisition
Clergy support of dictators
Who carry guilt for collective murder
Fall of DoomDoom is in your hands
Black doom of the world
Cry of Jesus Christ
No more deceive the truth
Most people live
In their own fall of doom
Cry of Jesus Christ
Life for Allfor my father, for my mother
for my sisters, for my brother
I want love, I want bliss
none believe in god, everywhere peace...
for my father, for my mother
for my sisters, for my brother
I want peace, on neck necklace
The Haunter of the DarkI've seen the light
at the end of dark
it showed me what
is the lie and what is the truth
I know the truth
rising up from the mud
which wants to help us in
Twilight of TimeI do not know if I am in this time
I do not know if I am in this century
I have a message that I must
Deliver to anyone who will hear me:
When I was away, among you
I believed always like you
That time has coherent texture
ПетляНакинь мне на руки по две петли
Может быть буду полезен, как муравей для тли
Каждый мой релиз это харш нойз
Бьет не только по ушам, но и в нос
Словно недокуреные папиросы, на меня нет цен, на меня нет спроса
Я лишь бесполезный товар на прилавке
Как же жить смогу без твоей удавки?