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  • Текст песни Assassin - Bun Dem

    Исполнитель: Assassin
    Название песни: Bun Dem
    Дата добавления: 29.05.2020 | 21:38:02
    Просмотров: 5
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Assassin - Bun Dem, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Assassin - Bun Dem Now

    Its another (a murder)
    Yow...the One Yah name praise
    To di Father fi all a we days
    Gi we life mek we shine bright like di sun raise
    Lighter fi bun up all chi chi and gays
    Kentiya say di fire muss blaze
    Red square tell dem rise up all di AKs
    Yeah man, tell dem change them dirty ways
    All a who a misbehave, watch yah nuh

    Ещё одно убийство!
    Прославим имя Единого Отца, дарующего нам жизнь
    За каждый наш день и возможность сиять,
    Словно солнце на всходе.
    Поджигаем костры – пусть горят пидорЫ
    Кентия говорит – воспылает пусть пламя
    Красна Площадь скажи – поднимай калаши
    Отвратят пусть стопы с этой грязной тропы
    Будут плохо вести, так мы присмотрим.

    Well a nuff a dem nah live right so we a bun them now
    Waste dem life betta we dunn them now
    All who wha fight we have we gun them now
    We a bad from a that a stun them now
    A who a see di gal them and a run them now
    Gal, yo mad- we nah shun them now
    Crazy way we set and turn them now
    Them bring we daughter and we son them now

    Припев 1:
    Многие из них не хотят по правде жить, так сожжём их
    Губят всю свою жизнь, так их лучше прикончить
    Кто захочет борьбы – на таких есть стволы
    Знай, что мы плохиши, глушанём таковых.
    А завидев девчат, подбежим к ним -
    Девушка, от Вас я без ума – не избегаем их
    По-всякому ставим и вертим,
    А они нам дочерей и сыновей подгоняют

    Gal them we love and a we vow that
    Father God we put above and a nuh gow that
    Nuff man love another man, me nuh see how that
    If you a bull and a nuh cow that, betta yo lowe that
    We love di gal them and we show that
    The gal dem garden we haffi plough that
    Nuff see de nable and a guh below that
    And a blow that, bredrin betta yo lowe that
    Under age yo fi lowe that
    Gi Shano and likkle Bow Wow that
    Cause a close to death row that
    Fifty years yo think a now that, betta yo lowe that

    Куплет 1:
    Девчонок мы любим и с ними встречаемся
    Бога-Отца ставим превыше любого правительства
    И когда мужик любит другого мужика – не понять нам
    Если ты бык, а коровы нет – лучше вовсе забей
    Мы любим девчат и показываем это
    Дева - прекрасный сад – надо вскопать его
    Хватит терять облик человека, и падать ещё ниже
    Дрочить – братья, лучше забейте на это
    Малолетки – забейте на них
    Для этого Джи Шано и Малыш Боу Воу есть (про Шано не слыхали, а Боу-Воу – американский вариант Децла)
    Это смертельная дорога
    Если тебе полтинник стукнул – на малолеток лучше забей

    Chorus 2:
    Thats why haffi bun them now
    Waste dem life betta we dunn them now
    All who wha fight we have we gun them now
    We a bad from a that a stun them now
    Rasta man beat di kettle drum them now
    Gangsta beat di _____ dem now
    Who a run off di beak and tongue them now
    Six feet unda ground them now

    Припев 2:
    Вот почему надо жечь гомосеков
    Губят всю свою жизнь, так их лучше прикончить
    Кто захочет борьбы – на таких есть стволы
    Знай, что мы плохиши, глушанём таковых.
    Растаман бьёт в барабан
    Гангстерский бит по мозгам
    Кто клювом щёлкал и языком чесал
    Нынче под землю на 6 футов попал

    Verse 2:
    Cause man a gangster yo fi know that
    You a pass inna di club and me say bredrin
    See di war boat and wha fi row that
    Me have me glock unda me throw back betta yo lowe that
    How you a smoke anuh dro that
    And no farmer down a centi nuh grow that
    Yo see pan di shotta endz we nuh allow that
    A sumn white like snow that? Betta yo lowe that
    Money fi mek yah and I know that
    But yo nuh fi reap nothing and nuh sow that
    How yo fi wha corn and yo neva grow that
    Anuh di sweet from yo brow that- betta yo lowe that

    Куплет 2:
    Ежели гангстер, так ты знай,
    Заходя в клуб, я те скажу, брат,
    Завидел боевой фрегат, так греби отсель
    У меня за пазухой мой глок – так что забей
    Как ты пыхаешь так много этого драпа?
    Его явно не фермеры вырастили
    Ты же видишь, что стрелки не одобряют этого
    Что за белый порошок? Лучше забей на него
    Деньги делают тебя, я это знаю
    Но ты не пожнёшь, коли не сеял
    Какую кукурузу сорвешь – которой не растил?
    Пот со лба не капал – так что не парься
    Assassin - Bun Dem Now

    Its another (a murder)
    Yow ... the One Yah name praise
    To di Father fi all a we days
    Gi we life mek we shine bright like di sun raise
    Lighter fi bun up all chi chi and gays
    Kentiya say di fire muss blaze
    Red square tell dem rise up all di AKs
    Yeah man, tell dem change them dirty ways
    All a who a misbehave, watch yah nuh

    Another kill!
    Glorify the name of the One Father giving us life
    For our every day and the opportunity to shine,
    Like the sun on the shoot.
    We set fires - let fagots burn
    Kentia says let the flame ignite
    Red Square say - raise Kalash
    Let feet be turned away from this dirty path
    They will lead badly, so we look.

    Well a nuff a dem nah live right so we a bun them now
    Waste dem life betta we dunn them now
    All who wha fight we have we gun them now
    We a bad from a that a stun them now
    A who a see di gal them and a run them now
    Gal, yo mad- we nah shun them now
    Crazy way we set and turn them now
    Them bring we daughter and we son them now

    Chorus 1:
    Many of them do not really want to live, so we will burn them
    Ruining your whole life, so it's better to kill them
    Who wants to fight - there are trunks on such
    Know that we are bad, suppress those.
    And seeing the girls, we run to them -
    Girl, I'm crazy about you - do not avoid them
    In every way we put and twist,
    And they drive us daughters and sons

    Gal them we love and a we vow that
    Father God we put above and a nuh gow that
    Nuff man love another man, me nuh see how that
    If you a bull and a nuh cow that, betta yo lowe that
    We love di gal them and we show that
    The gal dem garden we haffi plow that
    Nuff see de nable and a guh below that
    And a blow that, bredrin betta yo lowe that
    Under age yo fi lowe that
    Gi Shano and likkle Bow Wow that
    Cause a close to death row that
    Fifty years yo think a now that, betta yo lowe that

    Verse 1:
    Girls we love and meet them
    We put God the Father above any government
    And when a man loves another man - we don’t understand
    If you are a bull, but there is no cow, it’s better to forget it
    We love girls and show it
    Virgo is a beautiful garden - you need to dig it up
    Stop losing the face of a person, and fall even lower
    Jerk Off - Brothers, Better Hit It
    Youngsters - hammer on them
    There’s Ji Shano and Little Bow Wow for this (they didn’t hear about Shano, and Bow Wow is the American version of Decl)
    It's a deadly road
    If you hit a fifty dollars, better for a little one

    Chorus 2:
    Thats why haffi bun them now
    Waste dem life betta we dunn them now
    All who wha fight we have we gun them now
    We a bad from a that a stun them now
    Rasta man beat di kettle drum them now
    Gangsta beat di _____ dem now
    Who a run off di beak and tongue them now
    Six feet unda ground them now

    Chorus 2:
    That's why you have to burn homosexuals
    Ruining your whole life, so it's better to kill them
    Who wants to fight - there are trunks on such
    Know that we are bad, suppress those.
    Rastaman hits the drum
    Brain gangster bit
    Who snapped his beak and scratched his tongue
    Today, 6 feet underground

    Verse 2:
    Cause man a gangster yo fi know that
    You a pass inna di club and me say bredrin
    See di war boat and wha fi row that
    Me have me glock unda me throw back betta yo lowe that
    How you a smoke anuh dro that
    And no farmer down a centi nuh grow that
    Yo see pan di shotta endz we nuh allow that
    A sumn white like snow that? Betta yo lowe that
    Money fi mek yah and I know that
    But yo nuh fi reap nothing and nuh sow that
    How yo fi wha corn and yo neva grow that
    Anuh di sweet from yo brow that- betta yo lowe that

    Verse 2:
    If a gangster, so you know
    Entering the club, I’ll say brother
    I saw a combat frigate, so rowing
    I have my glock in my bosom - so forget it
    How do you puff so much of this drape?
    He was clearly not raised by farmers
    You see that the arrows do not approve of this
    What is white powder? Better fuck it
    Money makes you, I know it
    But you will not reap, if you did not sow
    What kind of corn will you pluck - which did not grow?
    Sweat from the forehead did not drip - so do not worry


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