Arzachel все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
AzathothMindless demon
Ruling in absolute chaos
Human minds cannot believe
Black charred brain forms
Circling deep in the darkness
Bright red trails of pain
Garden Of Earthly DelightsAnd would you see my lady's face
It is a flowery garden place
Where knots of beauties have such grace
That all is work and nowhere space
It is a sweet delicious morn
Where day is breeding never born
It is a meadow yet unshorn
LegWe saw an outgoing camel from our viewpoint on a hill
And all the women were dancing because the men were ill
All the animals were sighing as we led them to the kill
Oh we shook and we trembled from the Everest height
We fondled and we fumbled, floated out of sight
We fought the forcefield powerfully in the buzzing night