Heroic AgeThe era of mythology evince the Titans fall and the final march of the Gods
Labyrinth mysteries travel in circles through time, carrying secrets of an age lost in centuries
Bleaching marbles shimmer, blinding the plunderers and those once profane
Immortality regained as the Philosophers creed echoes through millennia and the Warriors psyche eternally rests in Elysium
At the walls of Troy war cries resound as spears and swords crash against shields
Argonauts trek through red wine seas to expand a Puissant Hegemony
Il bacioSulle labbra se potessi
dolce un bacio ti darei.
Tutte ti direi le dolcezze dell'amor.
Sempre assisa te d'appresso,
mille gaudii ti direi, Ah! ti direi.
Ed i palpiti udirei
che rispondono al mio cor.
Gemme e perle non desio,
Ploughshares Into SwordsOur past sufferings were lessons,
and for every lesson we took our will got only stronger
These decades of misery were a lesson,
And for each minute it passed our goal got only closer
And the final lesson, and its final assignment
We give to you this day
Take whatever you have at hand
Profound TruthsOne of the tragedies of the democratic drift
is that profound truths
may become truisms without being incorporated in legislative action,
especially those truths that require to be imaginatively perceived.
Should forty million people find their white blood corpuscles called forth to fight against the deadly germs of typhus,
their need would be sufficiently obvious for the politician to bring the resources of the State to their assistance
the more hurriedly in that to the perverted typhus germ
The Sinking ShipThe world is a sinking ship
Sunk by the weight of six billion people
We were sentenced to this fate
By those tho preached that they all
are as good as you and I
That they all should decide our destination
Though none of them has found a meaningful
Direction for themselves