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  • Текст песни Anti-flag - The Old Guard

    Исполнитель: Anti-flag
    Название песни: The Old Guard
    Дата добавления: 15.06.2014 | 19:14:10
    Просмотров: 26
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Anti-flag - The Old Guard, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    The time has come to say goodnight.
    The time has come to say goodbye to the old guard.
    Witness the setting sun.
    The tables have been turned.
    We will not suffer their reprise.
    A brave new voice rings out.
    Intense, fearless, devout.
    A listless body now revived.
    Old stories fit with retreads.
    Half-truths with truth left unsaid.
    Each time their lips moved we heard lies.
    So now it's time to say goodbye...
    To the old guard, goodnight, goodbye.
    To the old guard, goodnight, goodbye.
    Witness the setting sun.
    This century's crash and burn.
    Autocracy dethroned by ire commissar doused in fire.
    Make note a million times.
    Their class war, deceit, lies.
    Their compassion laced with despise....

    All of the hatred they bred.
    All the division they spread.
    We always knew they lived on lies.
    So now it's time to say goodbye....

    Bear witness to this setting sun.
    The dawning of a new age has begun.
    From east to west we watch this setting sun.
    The dawning of a new age has begun.
    Now it's time, to say goodbye.

    Пришло время сказать "Спокойной ночи",
    Пришла пора прощаться со старой гвардией...
    Спокойной ночи и до свидания.
    Свидетели заходящего солнца,
    Отклонены таблицы...
    Мы не станем страдать в своих репризах.
    Звучит новый чудный голос -
    Интенсивный, бесстрашный и набожный.
    Возрождается вновь вялое тело,
    Старые истории согласуются с шинами.
    Половина истины от истин остается несказанной...
    Каждый раз они шевелят губами, и мы слышим ложь.
    Так что теперь пришло время проститься.
    Для старой гвардии - спокойной ночи, прощай.
    Для старой гвардии - спокойной ночи, прощай.
    Свидетель заходящего солнца
    Этот век краха и пепла.
    Самодержавие низложено, гнев комиссаров облили огнем...
    Обратите внимание хоть миллион раз
    Их классовая война - обман и ложь,
    Их сострадание пронизано презрением...

    Они развили эту ненависть,
    Они распространили деление.
    Мы всегда знали, что они живут во лжи,
    Так что теперь пришло время проститься

    Медведь - свидетель захода солнца,
    Началось зарево нового века,
    С востока на запад мы видим заход этого солнца...
    Началось зарево нового века,
    Теперь пришло время, чтобы проститься.
    The time has come to say goodnight.
    The time has come to say goodbye to the old guard.
    Witness the setting sun.
    The tables have been turned.
    We will not suffer their reprise.
    A brave new voice rings out.
    Intense, fearless, devout.
    A listless body now revived.
    Old stories fit with retreads.
    Half-truths with truth left unsaid.
    Each time their lips moved we heard lies.
    So now it's time to say goodbye ...
    To the old guard, goodnight, goodbye.
    To the old guard, goodnight, goodbye.
    Witness the setting sun.
    This century's crash and burn.
    Autocracy dethroned by ire commissar doused in fire.
    Make note a million times.
    Their class war, deceit, lies.
    Their compassion laced with despise ....

    All of the hatred they bred.
    All the division they spread.
    We always knew they lived on lies.
    So now it's time to say goodbye ....

    Bear witness to this setting sun.
    The dawning of a new age has begun.
    From east to west we watch this setting sun.
    The dawning of a new age has begun.
    Now it's time, to say goodbye.

    It's time to say " Good night "
    It is time to say goodbye to the old guard ...
    Goodnight and goodbye.
    Witnesses of the setting sun ,
    Rejected table ...
    We are not going to suffer in their reprises .
    New sounds wonderful voice -
    Intense, fearless and devout .
    Reborn again sluggish body
    Old stories are consistent with the tires.
    Half truths of left unsaid ...
    Every time they move their lips , and we hear a lie.
    So now it's time to say goodbye .
    For the old guard - goodnight , goodbye .
    For the old guard - goodnight , goodbye .
    Witness the setting sun
    This age of collapse and ash.
    Autocracy overthrown , anger commissioners doused the fire ...
    Please note a million times
    Their class warfare - deception and lies ,
    Their compassion is permeated with contempt ...

    They developed this hatred
    They spread division.
    We always knew that they were living a lie ,
    So now it's time to say goodbye

    Bear - witness the sunset ,
    Glow began the new century,
    From east to west , we see that sun set ...
    Glow began the new century,
    Now it's time to say goodbye .


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