Beside the FireI sit beside the fire
And think of all that I have seen,
Of meadow flowers and butterflies
In summers that have been.
Of yellow leaves and gossamer
In autumns that there were,
With morning mist and silver sun
And wind upon my hair.
Emily Brontë
How clear she shines! How quietly
I lie beneath her guardian light;
While heaven and earth are whispering me,
"To morrow, wake, but dream to-night."
Yes, Fancy, come, my Fairy love!
LullabyThis shall be thy lullaby,
Rocking on the stormy sea;
Though it roar in thunder wild,
Sleep, stilly sleep, my dark-haired child.
When our shuddering boat was crossing
Eldern's lake, so rudely tossing,
Then 'twas first my nursling smiled;
Emily Brontë
The linnet in the rocky dells,
The moor-lark in the air,
The bee among the heather bells
That hide my lady fair:
Emily Brontë
Ah! why, because the dazzling sun
Restored our Earth to joy,
Have you departed, every one,
And left a desert sky?
The Trees They Grow HighThe trees they grow high,
And the leaves grow green
Many is the time my true love I've seen
Many day hours I've watched him all alone
He's young, and he's daily growing
Father, dear father,
You've done me great wrong
Emily Brontë
How few, of all the hearts that loved,
Are grieving for thee now;
And why should mine to-night be moved
With such a sense of woe?