A Secret RevealedJack:
So now I'm back in the States
It's been long since I called it my home
I want to see where Ruben and Nancy lived
but it feels weird to go there alone
2115 Pearl Rose Street
This is where they used to live
Shattering the Earthly BondWhere I dwell there is only darkness
My mind is a prison in itself
There is no way out and no voice is calling
This silence speaks too loud
I have to assume my mission is complete
To find the answers I must confront Him
Heavy chains they shackle me
The Darkness In The Corner Of My EyesThere is something in my head
I see glimpses of it everywhere I turn
Recently it has grown stronger
forbidding me to feel at ease
It appears as twisted faces
on every reflecting surface
Sometimes it freezes the world
The MessageTen thousand years ago
We received a message from your galaxy
A message that filled our hearts with joy
A chance to exchange experiences and knowledge
You spoke of a green paradise in the cold dead space
A place where life against all odds did grow
Life sprung from water to pursue a life on land
The Plot ThickensJack: Three months have passed without a word
No authorities believe what I've been through
I've been browsing the web for that sign
I don't know what to do
Storyteller: But like everyday he went online
this time surprised of what he'd find
An article involving a scientist
revealing a photo with the sign on his wrist
Towards PurityTowards purity you strive and you will see
the essence of humanity does not rhyme well
in this machinery
Your emotions
are obstacles for the corporate machine
Your flaws well hidden
A key to success
WitherThe barren trees point to the grey sky
Rotten leaves lay on the ground
The cold winds haunt, it's raining
and it never seems to end
A woman in clothes so thin
wanders the streets alone
Trail of tears in her beautiful face