Cracks In The Skybetween the cracks in the sky
lies a gambler's vacation
the odds are as sweet as a white desert heat
gravity keeps to the shade
CrossesThrowing crosses on our skin, we saved ourselfs
Settin' my standard, teach your trends
through the dirt all in your ears
and all the dead dogs of hell they cross our veins, remain afraid
and the emptyness we feel it cuts the pain, torch the plains
Throwing crosses on our skin, I saved Myself
Failing up and dropping in, though the truth all in your breath
Gallop SongMarching towards the sun
The command thats under no one
Master of war and lords
The rain falls for 13 days
The horses seem to know their number
Focus on you alone
All i've got is what you see x3
Lightning SongLightning, come quick and conquer me
Too early to dream, and we never go to sleep
Sing a song, or scream, howl along with me
To the sound of the animals, that are running wild in me
No one remembers the face of the end
So come on let's run to the end, to the end
We're not the ones to be taught how to live or die
Мы не умеем летатьНаша плоть и наша кровь - наша душа,
Не внутри, а на иконах только наш Бог,
Мы создаем себе законы, чтобы их нарушать,
И мы идем своей тропинкой среди тысяч дорог...
Мы находим где-то веру, чтобы верить в чудеса,
Мы сотворили себе Бога и идем всегда туда,
Где расстворяются сомнения и где нет верности слов,