Ярко светит солнце над страной жидов, Палит не по-детски подлых мудаков. “Что это за штука сверху к нам летит?” – Тыча пальцем в небо, пёрднул старый жид.
Приземлилась бомба, и раздался взрыв, Над страной жидовской вырастает гриб. Наградит медалью президент Кучма И встречать героя выйдет вся страна. Bright sunshine over the country of the Jews, Palit not childish vile asshole. "What is this thing flies on top of us?" - Pointing at the sky, pёrdnul old Jew.
Chorus: "This is a bomb, and-ah!" - Cried all the Jews. "This is a bomb, and-ah!" - Take that box!
That bomber flew across the sky, Ukrainian Air Force pilot was sitting in it. He was a simple man, love the motherland, At the concert, "barbershop", he always wore.
Chorus: "This is a bomb, and-ah!" - Cried all the Jews. "This is a bomb, and-ah!" - Take that box!
Bomb landed, and there was an explosion, Over the country jew mushroom grows. Awards Medal of President Kuchma And the hero will meet the entire country.