Под стяги резни собирались Рати мёртвых, живых полки Шлемом испить водицы Рек далёких чужих... The reason Predgradie Under the sun of the dead Verbs tirelessly lies adv
generations gone Memory, thoughts From the blood cry hordes of ravenous
VAN lies, Udine vletsy - On the faces of the living features of the dead VAN lies, Udine vletsy - From the darkness of the times ominous songs
Over the edge of consciousness - Navi predatory thicket There on the tree genera Do not unraveled marks
Where are the roots of the soul The Nav sprout Mirror dead reality reflecting
VAN lies, Udine vletsy - On the faces of the living features of the dead VAN lies, Udine vletsy - From the darkness of the times ominous songs
Witch-war saddled the wind Bonfires shot up overnight Stars fall death runes At the heart of our forests
Omit the crow flock Rob dreams human vineyard Volkogrivye spirits flocked Blood sample thoroughly
Under the banners of carnage were going Rati dead, alive shelves Helmet drink some water Rivers distant strangers ...