Сез онытмасагез безне Без онытмабыз сезне Thought songs are especially beautiful Let's eat Eid Kunel Let's eat Eid Kunel If you have heard Let's sing together
Siparater, siparater Siparater cauldron Sipaterer cauldron My relatives, friends and youth Does it wear dust?
That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there So brainwash So brainwash Codas, codas Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally
Oh two, two Finish the two of you Finish the two of you You're both welcome Live together
You're both welcome Don't let the eyes touch you Don't let the autumn touch you Sorrows of separation Don't fall asleep.
God bless you, God bless you One wheat, I wheat. One wheat, I wheat Tahir, Zehrya's love God bless you too
White winters are coming Will they go to the mirror? Will they go to the mirror? The love of white winters We would love to hear from you
Someone is coming from the other side With carts With carts Let your young brother pass away With children
Apples in my garden I'll give it to you I'll give it to you I want to feel at the bar I would like to have a massage
You are your daughter from above I raised my son I raised my son Let's live together, let's live together One, by the way, your hand
Hey, friends, let's sit down Let's remember the table Let's remember the table Don't eat and drink Let's sit and sing
The box does not give the child You can't pull it off You can't pull it off Uncontrolled burning hearts Don't shout
Cut the apple orchard Let it be the past Let it be the past Old-fashioned heartbreaking Our right to be together
Segat struck eight I jumped into the sea I jumped into the sea If you don't mind us We will not forget you