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  • Текст песни Систем оф э даун - Спайдерс

    Исполнитель: Систем оф э даун
    Название песни: Спайдерс
    Дата добавления: 05.09.2014 | 17:23:26
    Просмотров: 35
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Систем оф э даун - Спайдерс, перевод и видео.
    The piercing radiant moon,
    The storming of poor June,
    All the life running
    through her hair,
    Approaching guiding light,
    Our shallow years in fright,
    Dreams are made winding through my head,
    Through my head,
    Before you know, Awake,
    Your lives are open wide,
    The V-chip gives them sight,
    All the life running
    through her hair,
    The spiders all in tune,
    The evening of the moon,
    Dreams are made winding through my head,
    Through my head,
    Before you know, Awake
    Through my head, Through my head
    Before you know,
    Before you know I will be waiting
    all awake,
    Dreams are made winding through her hair…

    Луна, что проницательно сияет,
    Июньская гроза
    И волосы её – вся жизнь сквозь них как
    будто пролетает,
    Стремиться к свету -
    Наш последний год, что в страхе был прожит,
    Мечты, что сводят меня с ума,…
    Сводят с ума
    Проснись, пока не знаешь ты исхода
    И жизни стили широки все-все,
    V-чип им вид дает…
    И волосы её – вся жизнь сквозь них как
    будто пролетает,
    Все пауки в согласии, наш год…
    То ночь луны, что проницательно сияет…
    Мечты, что сводят меня с ума, …
    Сводят с ума,
    Проснись, пока не знаешь ты исхода
    С ума, с ума…
    Пока не знаешь ты исхода
    Пока не знаешь ты исхода, я буду ждать
    Мечты, что запутались у неё в волосах…
    The piercing radiant moon,
    The storming of poor June,
    All the life running
    through her hair,
    Approaching guiding light,
    Our shallow years in fright,
    Dreams are made winding through my head,
    Through my head,
    Before you know, Awake,
    Your lives are open wide,
    The V-chip gives them sight,
    All the life running
    through her hair,
    The spiders all in tune,
    The evening of the moon,
    Dreams are made winding through my head,
    Through my head,
    Before you know, Awake
    Through my head, Through my head
    Before you know,
    Before you know I will be waiting
    all awake,
    Dreams are made winding through her hair ...

    The moon that shines shrewdly ,
    The June storm
    And her hair - all life through them as
    like flies ,
    Strive to light -
    Our last year, which was the fear is lived ,
    Dreams that drive me crazy ...
    Wake up, yet you do not know the outcome of the
    And life styles are wide all - all
    V- chip gives them the appearance of ...
    And her hair - all life through them as
    like flies ,
    All spiders are in agreement, our year ...
    That night the moon that shines shrewdly ...
    Dreams that drive me crazy ...
    Dement ,
    Wake up, yet you do not know the outcome of the
    Crazy crazy ...
    As long as you do not know the outcome of the
    As long as you do not know the outcome , I'll wait
    Dreams that mess in her hair ...


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