Яврум да Салгъырнынъ бою, Озюмнинъ достумнынъ тою. Аткъа минсе ярашыр, Озюнинъ сельби де бою.
Къайдадыр меним атларым, Ат ойнаткъан заманларым. Атларыма ич янмаз эдим, Кечти яшлыкъ девранларым. Yavrum is also the height of Salgyr, Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally. Comes from Kefe, Kerch, Jankoi, He also slaughtered his wife.
Sixty heads, seventy heads, Go to the moon and water the Salgyrga. If you take a girl from a distant land, Mother and grandfather.
Yavrum is also the height of Salgyr, My friend's wedding. I would like a horse, Ozunin selbi de boyu.
Somewhere my horses, The times when I played horse. I would not hate my horses, My late teens.