remix DnBВ час туманный предрассветный
Спящий город мы покинем
И уйдем тропой заветной
К тем озерам на равнине
Где закаты цвета вишни
Одуряюще прекрасны
Здесь никто не станет лишним
Без тебя хуеваSo, so you think you can tell...
Heaven from Hell.
Blue skies from Pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
ВремяТикают секунды, наполняя скучный день,
Ты разбрасываешься по мелочам и понапрасну тратишь время,
Вертишься вокруг клочка земли родного города,
В ожидании, что кто-то или что-то укажет тебе путь.
Надоело лежать на солнце и глазеть из окна на дождь,
Ты молод, жизнь длинна и есть время, чтобы убить сегодняшний день.
И вдруг ты замечаешь, что прибавил еще десяток лет,
ДеньгиMoney, get away
Get a good job with more pay and you're O. K.
Money it's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star daydream
Think I'll buy me a football team
Money get back
дитя закатаВ час туманный предрассветный
Спящий город мы покинем
И уйдем тропой заветной
К тем озерам по равнине
Где закаты цвета вишни
Одуряюще прекрасны
Здесь никто не станет лишним
Дыхание в воздухеBreathe, breathe in the air
Dont be afraid to care
Leave but dont leave me
Look around and choose your own ground
For long you live and high you fly
And smiles youll give and tears youll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Комфортное онемениеHello
Is there anybody in there
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone at home
Come on now
I hear you're feeling down
I can ease your pain
Get you on your feet again
Мать МатильдаThere was a king who ruled the land
His majesty was in command
With silver eyes the scarlet eagle
Showered silver on the people
Oh Mother tell me more
Why'd you have to leave me there
Hanging in my infant air, waiting
Мы и ониUs, and them
And after all we're only ordinary men.
Me, and you.
God only knows it's noz what we would choose to do.
Forward he cried from the rear
and the front rank died.
And the general sat and the lines on the map
moved from side to side.
ПылающийAlone in the clouds all blue
Lying on an eiderdown.
Yippee! You can't see me
But I can you.
Lazing in the foggy dew
Sitting on a unicorn.
No fair, you can't hear me
СудGood morning, The Worm, Your Honour,
The Crown will plainly show,
The prisoner who now stands before you,
Was caught red-handed showing feelings.
Showing feelings of an almost human nature.
This will not do.
Call the schoolmaster!
I always said he'd come to no good,
Шоу должно продолжатьсяOoooh Ma Ooooh Pa
Must the show go on
Ooooh Pa take me home
Ooooh Ma let me go
There must be some mistake
I didn't mean to let them
take away my soul
Am I too old is it too late