Пусть ярость благородная вскипает как волна!!!!! Идет война НАРОДНАЯ, СВЯЩЕННАЯ война!..
Пусть ярость благородная вскипает как волна!!!!! Идет война НАРОДНАЯ, СВЯЩЕННАЯ война!.. INSERT, THE COUNTRY IS HUGE! Arise - to a mortal battle! With the fascist force of the dark, with the cursed horde ...
Let the rage of the noble effervesces like a wave !!!!! There is a war PEOPLE, SACRED WAR! ..
Let the rage of the noble effervesces like a wave !!!!! There is a war PEOPLE, SACRED WAR! ..
Let's repulse stranglers of all fiery ideas! Violent, robbers, tormentors of people!
Let the rage of the noble effervesces like a wave !!!!! There is a war PEOPLE, SACRED WAR! ..
Do not dare to wings black over the homeland to fly !!!!!!! Its fields are spacious - the enemy does not dare to trample !!!
Let the rage of the noble effervesces like a wave !!!!! There is a war PEOPLE, SACRED WAR! ..
Rotten fascist evil spirits! - Put the bullet in the forehead! - The offspring of humanity, we will make a strong coffin !!!!!
Let the rage of the noble effervesces like a wave !!!!! There is a war PEOPLE, SACRED WAR! ..
Let the rage of the noble effervesces like a wave !!!!! There is a war PEOPLE, SACRED WAR! ..