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  • Текст песни пет шап бойз - се вида е

    Исполнитель: пет шап бойз
    Название песни: се вида е
    Дата добавления: 02.08.2014 | 19:52:05
    Просмотров: 23
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    Здесь расположен текст песни пет шап бойз - се вида е, перевод и видео.
    Come outside and see a brand new day
    The troubles in your mind will blow away
    It's easy to believe they're here to stay
    But you won't find them standing in your way

    Se a vida e', I love you
    Come outside and feel the morning sun
    Se a vida e', I love you
    Life is much more simple when you're young
    Come on, essa vida e'
    That's the way life is
    That's the way life is

    Although we see the world through different eyes
    We share the same idea of paradise
    So don't search in the starts for signs of love
    Look around your life, you'll find enough

    Se a vida e', I love you
    Come outside and feel the morning sun
    Se a vida e', I love you
    Life is much more simple when you're young
    Come on, essa vida e'
    That's the way life is
    That's the way life is

    Why do you want to sit alone in gothic gloom
    Surrounded by the ghosts of love that haunt your room?
    Somewhere there's a different door to open wide
    You gotta throw those skeletons out of your closet & come outside
    So you will see a brand new day
    The troubles in your mind will blow away
    It's easy to believe they're here to stay
    But you won't find them standing in your way

    Se a vida e', I love you
    Come outside and feel the morning sun
    Se a vida e', I love you
    Life is much more simple when you're young
    Come on, essa vida e'
    That's the way life is
    That's the way life is
    Come on, essa vida e'
    That's the way life is
    That's the way life is
    Se a vida e', I love you
    Come outside and feel the morning sun
    Se a vida e', I love you
    Life is much more simple when you're young
    Se a vida e'


    Выйди наружу и лицезри начало нового дня;
    Все беды в твоём разуме улетучатся,
    Легко верить в то, что они остались здесь,
    Но ты узришь, что они больше не преграждают твой путь...

    Такова жизнь, я люблю тебя
    Выйди наружу и лицезри утреннее солнце
    Такова жизнь, я люблю тебя
    Жизнь ведь гораздо легче, когда ты молод...
    Давай, это жизнь!
    Это твой жизненный путь
    Это твой жизненный путь...

    Несмотря на то, что мы смотрим на мир разными взглядами,
    Мы алчем одних и тех же райских идей;
    Не ищи начал , в песнях о любви,
    Огляди свою жизнь - и ты найдёшь их достаточно.

    Такова жизнь, я люблю тебя
    Выйди наружу и лицезри утреннее солнце
    Такова жизнь, я люблю тебя
    Жизнь ведь гораздо легче, когда ты молод...
    Давай, это жизнь!
    Это твой жизненный путь
    Это твой жизненный путь...

    Почему ты хочешь сидеть один, в готическом мраке,
    Окруженный призраками любви, часто являющимися в твою комнату ?
    Где-то так, - другая дверь, широка распахнутая...
    Ты должен пробиться чрез все эти скелеты в твоём шкафу и, выбраться наружу!
    Итак, ты узришь начало нового дня;
    Все беды в твоём разуме улетучатся,
    Легко верить в то, что они остались здесь,
    Но ты узришь, что они больше не преграждают твой путь...

    Такова жизнь, я люблю тебя
    Выйди наружу и лицезри утреннее солнце
    Такова жизнь, я люблю тебя
    Жизнь ведь гораздо легче, когда ты молод...
    Давай, это жизнь!
    Это твой жизненный путь
    Это твой жизненный путь...
    Давай, это жизнь!
    Это твой жизненный путь
    Это твой жизненный путь...
    Такова жизнь, я люблю тебя
    Выйди наружу и лицезри утреннее солнце
    Такова жизнь, я люблю тебя
    Жизнь ведь гораздо легче, когда ты молод...
    Такова жизнь...
    Come outside and see a brand new day
    The troubles in your mind will blow away
    It's easy to believe they're here to stay
    But you will not find them standing in your way

    Se a vida e ', I love you
    Come outside and feel the morning sun
    Se a vida e ', I love you
    Life is much more simple when you're young
    Come on, essa vida e '
    That's the way life is
    That's the way life is

    Although we see the world through different eyes
    We share the same idea of ​​paradise
    So do not search in the starts for signs of love
    Look around your life, you'll find enough

    Se a vida e ', I love you
    Come outside and feel the morning sun
    Se a vida e ', I love you
    Life is much more simple when you're young
    Come on, essa vida e '
    That's the way life is
    That's the way life is

    Why do you want to sit alone in gothic gloom
    Surrounded by the ghosts of love that haunt your room?
    Somewhere there's a different door to open wide
    You gotta throw those skeletons out of your closet & amp; come outside
    So you will see a brand new day
    The troubles in your mind will blow away
    It's easy to believe they're here to stay
    But you will not find them standing in your way

    Se a vida e ', I love you
    Come outside and feel the morning sun
    Se a vida e ', I love you
    Life is much more simple when you're young
    Come on, essa vida e '
    That's the way life is
    That's the way life is
    Come on, essa vida e '
    That's the way life is
    That's the way life is
    Se a vida e ', I love you
    Come outside and feel the morning sun
    Se a vida e ', I love you
    Life is much more simple when you're young
    Se a vida e '


    Go outside and litsezri beginning of a new day ;
    All the troubles in your mind will disappear ,
    It is easy to believe that they were here ,
    But you behold , that they no longer block your way ...

    Such is life, I love you
    Go outside and litsezri morning sun
    Such is life, I love you
    Life it is much easier when you're young ...
    Come on, that's life !
    This is your way of life
    This is your way of life ...

    Despite the fact that we look at the world from different views,
    We alchem ​​the same ideas of paradise ;
    Do not look for principles, in songs about love,
    Look around your life - and you will find enough of them.

    Such is life, I love you
    Go outside and litsezri morning sun
    Such is life, I love you
    Life it is much easier when you're young ...
    Come on, that's life !
    This is your way of life
    This is your way of life ...

    Why do you want to sit alone in gothic gloom
    Surrounded by the ghosts of love is often in your room ?
    Somewhere so - another door wide open ...
    You have to break through all the skeletons in your closet and get out !
    So, you behold the beginning of a new day ;
    All the troubles in your mind will disappear ,
    It is easy to believe that they were here ,
    But you behold , that they no longer block your way ...

    Such is life, I love you
    Go outside and litsezri morning sun
    Such is life, I love you
    Life it is much easier when you're young ...
    Come on, that's life !
    This is your way of life
    This is your way of life ...
    Come on, that's life !
    This is your way of life
    This is your way of life ...
    Such is life, I love you
    Go outside and litsezri morning sun
    Such is life, I love you
    Life it is much easier when you're young ...
    Such is life ...


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