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  • Текст песни Псалтирь - Кафисма 19

    Исполнитель: Псалтирь
    Название песни: Кафисма 19
    Дата добавления: 23.03.2018 | 16:15:15
    Просмотров: 8
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    Кафисма девятаянадесять

    Аллилуия, 134.

    1Хвалите имя Господне, хвалите, раби Господа, 2стоящии во храме Господни, во дворех дому Бога нашего. 3Хвалите Господа, яко благ Господь, пойте имени Его, яко добро: 4яко Иакова избра Себе Господь, Израиля в достояние Себе. 5Яко аз познах, яко велий Господь, и Господь наш над всеми боги. 6Вся елика восхоте Господь, сотвори на небеси и на земли, в морях и во всех безднах. 7Возводя облаки от последних земли, молнии в дождь сотвори, изводяй ветры от сокровищ Своих. 8Иже порази первенцы Египетския, от человека до скота. 9Посла знамения и чудеса посреде Тебе, Египте, на фараона и на вся рабы eго. 10Иже порази языки многи и изби цари крепки: 11Сиона, царя Аморрейска, и Ога, царя Васанска, и вся царствия Ханаанска, 12и даде землю их достояние, достояние Израилю, людем Своим. 13Господи, имя Твое в век и память Твоя в род и род: 14яко судити имать Господь людем Своим, и о рабех Своих умолится. 15Идоли язык, сребро и злато, дела рук человеческих. 16Уста имут, и не возлаголют, очи имут, и не узрят, 17уши имут, и не услышат, ниже бо есть дух во устех их. 18Подобни им да будут творящии я, и вси надеющиися на ня. 19Доме Израилев, благословите Господа, доме Ааронь, благословите Господа, доме Левиин, благословите Господа. 20Боящиися Господа, благословите Господа. 21Благословен Господь от Сиона, живый во Иерусалиме.

    Аллилуия, 135.

    1Исповедайтеся Господеви, яко благ, яко в век милость Его. 2Исповедайтеся Богу богов, яко в век милость Его. 3Исповедайтеся Господеви господей, яко в век милость Его. 4Сотворшему чудеса велия единому, яко в век милость Его. 5Сотворшему небеса разумом, яко в век милость Его. 6Утвердившему землю на водах, яко в век милость Его. 7Сотворшему светила велия единому, яко в век милость Его. 8Солнце во область дне, яко в век милость Его. 9Луну и звезды во область нощи, яко в век милость Его. 10Поразившему Египта с первенцы eго, яко в век милость Его, 11и изведшему Израиля от среды их, яко в век милость Его. 12Рукою крепкою и мышцею высокою, яко в век милость Его. 13Раздельшему Чермное море в разделения, яко в век милость Его. 14И проведшему Израиля посреде eго, яко в век милость Его. 15И истрясшему фараона и силу eго в море Чермное, яко в век милость Его. 16Проведшему люди Своя в пустыни, яко в век милость Его. 17Поразившему цари велия, яко в век милость Его, 18и убившему цари крепкия, яко в век милость Его: 19Сиона, царя Аморрейска, яко в век милость Его, 20и Ога, царя Васанска, яко в век милость Его. 21И давшему землю их достояние, яко в век милость Его. 22Достояние Израилю, рабу Своему, яко в век милость Его. 23Яко во смирении нашем помяну ны Господь, яко в век милость Его. 24И избавил ны есть от врагов наших, яко в век милость Его. 25Даяй пищу всякой плоти, яко в век милость Его. 26Исповедайтеся Богу Небесному, яко в век милость Его.

    Давиду Иеремием, 136.

    1На реках Вавилонских, тамо седохом и плакахом, внегда помянути нам Сиона. 2На вербиих посреде eго обесихом органы наша. 3Яко тамо вопросиша ны пленшии нас о словесех песней и ведшии нас о пении: воспойте нам от песней Сионских. 4Како воспоем песнь Господню на земли чуждей 5Аще забуду тебе, Иерусалиме, забвена буди десница моя. 6Прильпни язык мой гортани моему, аще не помяну тебе, аще не предложу Иерусалима, яко в начале веселия моего. 7Помяни, Господи, сыны Едомския, в день Иерусалимль глаголющыя: истощайте, истощайте до оснований eго. 8Дщи Вавилоня окаянная, блажен иже воздаст тебе воздаяние твое, еже воздала еси нам. 9Блажен иже имет и разбиет младенцы твоя о камень.


    Псалом Давиду, Аггеа и Захарии, 137.

    1Исповемся Тебе, Господи, всем сердцем моим, и пред Ангелы воспою Тебе, яко услышал еси вся глаголы уст моих. 2Поклонюся ко храму святому Твоему и исповемся имени Твоему о милости Твоей и истине Твоей, яко возвеличил еси над всем имя Твое святое. 3Воньже аще день призову Тя, скоро услыши мя: умножиши мя в души моей силою Твоею. 4Да исповедятся Тебе, Господи, вси царие земстии, яко услышаша вся глаголы уст Твоих, 5и да воспоют в путех Господних, яко велия с
    Kafisma ninth-ten

    Alleluia, 134.

    1 Praise the name of the Lord, praise the servants of the Lord, 2 standing in the temple of the Lord, in the courtyard of the house of our God. 3 Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good, sing His name for the good: 4 Jacob chose the Lord for Himself, Israel for His inheritance. 5You know it, for the Lord is our God, and our Lord is over all the gods. 6All in the greatness of the Lord, create in heaven and on earth, in the seas, and in all the deeps. 7 By bringing up the clouds from the last of the earth, make lightning in the rain, exhausting the winds from your treasures. 8Shock the firstborn of Egypt, from man to livestock. 9Sepained signs and wonders among You, Egypt, against Pharaoh and against all the servants of it. 10 Behold, strike the tongues of many, and beat the kings hard: 11Siona, the king of Amorite, and Og, the king of Vasanska, and all the kingdoms of Canaan, 12And damn their land, their wealth, Israel, we love. 13 O Lord, your name forever, and your remembrance into kind and kind: 14yako judge the Lord to be His people, and I will pray for Your servant. 15The idols of the tongue, silver and gold, are the works of the hands of men. 16The mouth of imuth is not waited, the eyes of imuth are not going to see, the souls of imuth are not heard, below there is a spirit in their mouths. 18Let him be the creator and I, and all hope in him. 19The house of Israel, bless the Lord, the house of Aaron, bless the Lord, the house of Levi, bless the Lord. 20 Fear the Lord, bless the Lord. 21Blessed is the Lord from Zion, who lives in Jerusalem.

    Alleluia, 135.

    1 Confess your Lord, for it is good, for his mercy is forever. 2 Confess to the God of the gods, for His mercy is forever. 3 Confess yourselves to the Lord, the Lord, for His mercy is forever. 4 Created miracles of one thing, for his mercy was in the age. 5 He made the heavens with understanding, for his mercy is forever. 6 To him that has established the earth upon the waters, for His mercy is forever. 7 To make the lights of the world unto them, for his mercy is in all ages. 8The sun is in the region of the bottom, for His mercy is in the age. 9The moon and the stars are in the field of night, for His mercy is in the age. 10 To him who struck Egypt with the firstborn of his, for his grace was in his everlasting, 11 And to hearer of Israel from among them, for his grace was in his forever. 12 With a strong hand and a high muscle, for his mercy is in the age. 13 To the Red Sea which is divided into divisions, for in His age His mercy. 14And who visited Israel in the middle of his, for his mercy was forever. 15And to those who has stricken Pharaoh and his power in the sea of ​​Cherm, as a century in the mercy of him. 16 To the people who led their people into the wilderness, for his mercy was for ever. 17 To the kings of the king struck, for his grace was in his age, 18 and the strong kings who killed him, for his grace in an age: 19 Sion, king of Amorra, his grace in an age, 20 and Og, king of Vasanska, for his grace in an age. 21And who gave their land their inheritance, for his mercy was for ever. 22 Expectations to Israel, His servant, for His mercy is forever. 23Yas, in our humility, the Lord is remembered for us, for in his everlasting mercy is his. 24And he delivered us from our enemies: for his mercy was a century. 25 Give the food of all flesh, for in His everlasting mercy. 26 Confess to the God of heaven, for his mercy is forever.

    David Jeremiah, 136.

    1In the rivers of Babylon, tamo with the white-haired and the weeping, always remember us Zion. 2In the middle of its weight, our bodies. 3Yako tamo questions the captivity of us about word and song and our lead about singing: sing for us the song of Zion. 4 How shall we sing the song of the Lord on an earth that is foreign? 5And when I forget to you, Jerusalem, forget my right hand. 6Priple my tongue to my throat, if I don’t remember you, if I don’t offer Jerusalem, because at the beginning of my joy. 7 Remember, O Lord, sons of Edom, on the day of Jerusalem, the verb: deplete, deplete it to the foundations of it. 8The Babylonians are cursed, blessed are they who will give you your recompense, and he hath given them to you. 9 Blessed are you and your children against a stone.


    Psalm to David, Aggea, and Zechariah, 137.

    1 Let us ask thee, O Lord, with all my heart, and before the angels I will sing to thee, Thou hast heard thou who art all the verbs of my mouth. 2 I worship your temple to your holy one and confess your name to your mercy and your truth, for you have magnified your holy name over all. 3 Even less, if I call Tee day, I will soon hear me: multiply me into the souls with my power. 4 Yes, the Lord confess thou unto thee, all the king of the Zemstvosti, as if you had heard all the verbs of thy mouth, 5and let them sing in the ways of the Lord, as much as


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