all apologiesWhat else should I be? All apologies
What else could I say? Everyone is gay
What else could I write? I don't have the right
What else should I be? All apologies
In the sun, in the sun I feel as one
In the sun, in the sun
Married, buried
monster truckMonster Truck Monster Truck
What she wants, she will get
Baby plays her toys and gets so upset
Bell boy do this or bell boy do that
Fitch my revel in second spat
She doesn't want a Mercedes
Английский летний дождьAlways stays the same, nothing ever changes,
English summer rain seems to last for ages.
Always stays the same, nothing ever changes,
English summer rain seems to last for ages.
I'm in the basement, you're in the sky,
I'm in the basement baby, drop on by.
I'm in the basement, you're in the sky,
Дни до твоего приходаDays before you came
Freezing cold and empty
Tales that changed their name
And a hoard of plenty
Days before you came
Counting breaths inside me
Even crack cocaine didn`t start to hide me
Затем небеса откроются передо мнойMy guy has a tan transcontinental
But it keeps me enchained
Watch an old black and white movie
Fred and ginger are too sentimental, crying in shame
I don't want to be forgotten
I can't be alone
So don't you dare leave me
It's like coming home
Ожидание сына БожьегоPatience comes to the ugly, not me
Laughter comes to the lucky, not me
People in my head that won't stop talking
Nothing in my dream that isn't creepy crawling
Walking in the park and i think that i'm falling
Swimming in the sea and i think i'll
You guessed it
Only lifeguards
Особые потребностиRemember me when you're the one who's silver screen
Remember me when you're the one you always dreamed
Remember me when everyone's noses start to bleed
Remember me, special needs
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Проводите копов домой
The call to arms was never true
Time to imbibe here’s to you
I’ll tell you stories bruised and blue
Drum machines and landslides
Just one more round before we’re through
More psychedelic yuppie flu
Прощальна пісняYou are one of God's mistakes,
You crying, tragic waste of skin,
I'm well aware of how it aches ,
And you still won't let me in.
Now I'm breaking down your door,
To try and save your swollen face ,
Though I don't like you anymore,
You lying, trying waste of space..
Яркие ОгниCast your mind back to the days,
When I pretend' I was OK.
I had so very much to say,
About my crazy livin'.
Now that I've stared into the void,
So many people, I've annoyed.
I have to find a middle way,
A better way of givin'.