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  • Текст песни найтивыход - Сан-Джуниперо

    Исполнитель: найтивыход
    Название песни: Сан-Джуниперо
    Дата добавления: 01.07.2023 | 21:02:15
    Просмотров: 14
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    Здесь расположен текст песни найтивыход - Сан-Джуниперо, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    На разбитом в гармонии сердце
    Не могу не найти я запал.
    Ты назначила встречу на вечер.
    Да, я даже на неё опоздал.

    Путь уколами вороны вьются
    По моей обветшалой палате.
    И та девочка в белой сорочке
    Стала позже пятном на кровати.

    Палец медленно давит на триггер,
    И я вслепую попадаю в мишень.
    Тут клубы сигареты над люстрой
    Заглушает сирени женьшень.

    А на улице, утро минуло,
    Или вовсе его не бывало.
    Я хотел бы остаться в программе,
    Но мне кажется этого мало.

    Да и если пожертвуешь словом,
    Своей мыслью, а может быть верой -
    Я останусь на месте привычном,
    В госпитале, в Сан-Джуниперо.

    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;

    I feel my heart steel bleeding
    And i can't take it away.
    Proposition in remains.
    We can't deal with wicked games,
    We play solo.

    Тут багровый закат над Авророй.
    Неутихшие Белые Ночи.
    Замыкаются цепью событий.
    Вкус их сладок, порочен и сочен.

    Только голос приёмника слышен,
    И мне кажется, ничего больше.
    Я отдал тебе руку и сердце -
    Весь его сок, все клапаны, поршни.

    Ненавистные речи про Вечность.
    Человечность, другие пороки.
    Обмотавшись портянками в пыли
    В свои в крови уставшие ноги.

    А когда тебе снова приснится
    Эта дорога от дома до сквера -
    Мы с тобой окажемся рядом -
    В госпитале, в Сан-Джуниперо.

    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;
    And when sun goin on
    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;

    I feel my heart steel bleeding
    And i can't take it away.
    Proposition in remains.
    We can't deal with wicked games,
    We play solo.

    And when sun goin on
    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;

    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;
    You should find me someday;
    On a heart broken in harmony
    I can’t help but find it.
    You made an appointment for the evening.
    Yes, I was even late for her.

    The paths of the raven are curled
    In my dilapidated ward.
    And that girl in white shirt
    It later became a spot on the bed.

    The finger slowly presses on the trigger,
    And I blindly fall into the target.
    Here are clubs of cigarettes over a chandelier
    Ginseng is drowned out.

    And on the street, morning has passed
    Or it did not happen at all.
    I would like to stay in the program
    But it seems to me that this is not enough.

    Yes, and if you sacrifice a word
    With your thought, or maybe a faith -
    I will stay in place of the usual
    In the hospital, in San Junipero.

    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;

    I Feel My Heart Steel Bleeding
    And I canm Take it away.
    Proposition in Remains.
    We canm Deal with Wicked Games,
    We Play Solo.

    There is a crimson sunset over Aurora.
    Unlawed white nights.
    Closed by a chain of events.
    Their taste is sweet, vicious and juicy.

    Only the voice of the receiver is heard
    And it seems to me that nothing more.
    I gave you a hand and heart -
    All his juice, all valves, pistons.

    Holy speeches about eternity.
    Humanity, other vices.
    Wrapped in footsteps in dust
    Tired legs are in their blood.

    And when you dream again
    This road is from home to the square -
    You and I will be near -
    In the hospital, in San Junipero.

    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    And when Sun Goin On
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;

    I Feel My Heart Steel Bleeding
    And I canm Take it away.
    Proposition in Remains.
    We canm Deal with Wicked Games,
    We Play Solo.

    And when Sun Goin On
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;

    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;
    You Shoup Find Me Someday;


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