DragunovPriviet motherfuckers, I am Vladimir,
I believe in Mother Russia and I persevere (?).
I was a Spetsnaz in the Red Army
and there was no better killer than me
But the Glasnost came and I lost my job,
and became a hitman for the russian mob.
I shot and killed both pimps and tsars for Vodka, guns and caviar.
HollywoodOh oh oh...
I've got a picture in my head,in my head
It's me and you, we are in bed,we are in bed
You've always been there when I called, when I called
You'll always be there most of all, all, all, all
This is not Hollywood like, I understood,
Hymn To Red OctoberХолодно, хмуро...
И мрачно в дУше
Как мог батя
что ты умрёшь?
До свиданья, берег родной!
А там трудно кричали, что это не слон...
Родина продана,
Mother RussiaMother Russia, how are you sleeping?
Middle winter, cold winds blow.
From the trees the snowflakes drifting
Swirling round like ghosts in the snow
Mother Russia, poetry majestic
Tells the time of a great empire
Turning round the old man ponders
Reminiscing an age gone by
Аномальный инстинктВнезапно что-то произошло со мной,
Когда я пила свою чашку чая.
Внезапно я почувствовала огорчение,
Я была крайне и полностью подавлена.
Ты знаешь, что заставил меня плакать?
Ты знаешь, что заставил меня умереть?
И о том, что со мной происходит,
ЗадержкаIf you, if you could return
Don't let it burn,don't let it fade
I'm sure I'm not being rude
But it's just your attitude
It's tearing me apart
It's ruining everything
I swore, I swore I would be true
зомбиAnother head hangs lowly,
Child is slowly taken.
And the violence caused such silence,
Who are we mistaken?
But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.
In your head, in your head they are fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
Когда ты ушелHold on to love. That is what I do,
Now that I've found you.
And from above, everything's stinking,
Their not around you.
And in the night, I could be helpless
I could be lonely, sleeping without you.
And in the day, everything's complex
ПустойSomething has left my life
And I don't know where it went to
Somebody caused me strife
And it's not what I was seeking
Didn't you see me?
Didn't you hear me?
Didn't you see me standing there?
Слышишь,выздоравливайСолнце за окном, а ты дома.
Градусник нагло в глаза ртутным ртом смеётся.
Клюква, малина, чай, мама в домашнем халате,
Велик грустит в коридоре, по лужам скучают шины.
Слышишь, выздоравливай!
Солнце за окном, а ты дома.