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  • Текст песни Кава - Jacobs

    Исполнитель: Кава
    Название песни: Jacobs
    Дата добавления: 09.08.2014 | 14:26:37
    Просмотров: 21
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Кава - Jacobs, перевод и видео.
    She said i love you boy
    I love your soul
    She said i love you baby oh oh oh ohh

    She said i love you more than words can say
    She said i love you bayayayayby

    So i said, what you sayin girl it cant be right
    How can you be in love with me
    We only just met tonight
    So she said.. boy i loved you from the start
    When i first heard love goes down
    Something started burning in my heart
    I said stop this crazy talk
    And leave right now and close the door
    She said but i love you boy i love you so
    She said i love you baby oh oh oh oh
    She said i love you more than words can say
    She said i love you bayayayayby (yes you did)

    So now up in the courts
    Pleading my case in a witness box
    Telling the judge and jur
    The same thing that i said to the cops
    On the day that i got arrested
    Im innocent i protested
    She just feels rejected
    Had her heart book on mine
    Someone shes obsessed with
    She likes sign on my music
    She makes out a fan of my music
    So i love them diamonds to lose it
    Cos she cant stop and read the man from the music
    And im saying all this from the stand
    But my girl cries tears from the galleries
    Got bigger than i ever could have planned
    Like that song about the zuton valerie
    So the jury dont look like their buying it
    And shes making me nervous
    And im just screw faced like im trying it
    Their eyes fixed on me like im murderous
    They wanna lock me up
    And throw away the key
    They wanna send me down
    Even though i told them she..

    She said i love you boy
    I love your soul
    She said i love you baby oh oh oh oh (yes you did)

    She said i love you more than words can say
    She said i love you bayayayayby

    So i said why the hell you gotta treat me this way
    You dont know what love is
    You wouldnt do this if you did
    Oh no no no noo

    Она сказала, я люблю тебя, парень,
    Люблю твою душу,
    Она сказала, я люблю тебя, малыш, оооо,
    Она сказала, я люблю тебя больше,
    Чем слова могут выразить,
    Она сказала, я люблю тебя, ма-а-алыш.

    Я ответил, твои слова не могут быть правдой,
    Как ты можешь быть влюблена в меня,
    Если мы только сегодня познакомились.
    А она ответила, парень, я полюбила тебя сразу,
    Когда я впервые почувствовала близость любви.
    Что-то вспыхнуло в моем сердце,
    Я сказал, прекрати эту безумную болтовню,
    Уходи и закрой двер.
    Она ответила, но я же так люблю тебя,
    Она сказала, я люблю тебя, малыш, оооо,
    Она сказала, я люблю тебя больше,
    Чем слова могут выразить,
    Она сказала, я люблю тебя, ма-а-алыш.

    Теперь в суде,
    Защищаю свои интересы с трибуны,
    Говорю судье и присяжным
    То же, что сказал и копам.
    В тот день, когда меня арестовали,
    Я невиновен, я протестовал.
    Она лишь чувствует себя отвергнутой,
    Кто-то, на ком она была помешана,
    Разбил ей сердце.
    Ей нравится моя музыка,
    Да она просто фанат моей музыки,
    Вот для чего ее любовь, чтоб не потерять ее.
    Она просто не может отделить человека от музыки,
    Всё это я говорю с трибуны свидетеля,
    Пока девушка моя рыдает в коридоре.
    Все обернулось серьезнее, чем я думал,
    Словно в той песне Zutons Valerie.
    Присяжные не покупаются на это,
    Это заставляет меня понервничать,
    У меня жалкий вид, будто я удручен,
    Они смотрят на меня, как на убийцу,
    Хотят запереть меня
    И выбросить ключ,
    Хотят посадить меня...

    Хоть я и сказал им, что она...

    Она сказала, я люблю тебя, парень,
    Люблю твою душу,
    Она сказала, я люблю тебя, малыш, оооо.

    Она сказала, я люблю тебя больше,
    Чем слова могут выразить,
    Она сказала, я люблю тебя, ма-а-алыш.

    Я ответил, какого черта ты так со мной поступаешь,
    Ты не знаешь, что такое любовь.
    Если б знала, не поступила бы так,
    О нет, нет, нет, нет.
    She said i love you boy
    I love your soul
    She said i love you baby oh oh oh ohh

    She said i love you more than words can say
    She said i love you bayayayayby

    So i said, what you sayin girl it cant be right
    How can you be in love with me
    We only just met tonight
    So she said .. boy i loved you from the start
    When i first heard love goes down
    Something started burning in my heart
    I said stop this crazy talk
    And leave right now and close the door
    She said but i love you boy i love you so
    She said i love you baby oh oh oh oh
    She said i love you more than words can say
    She said i love you bayayayayby (yes you did)

    So now up in the courts
    Pleading my case in a witness box
    Telling the judge and jur
    The same thing that i said to the cops
    On the day that i got arrested
    Im innocent i protested
    She just feels rejected
    Had her heart book on mine
    Someone shes obsessed with
    She likes sign on my music
    She makes out a fan of my music
    So i love them diamonds to lose it
    Cos she cant stop and read the man from the music
    And im saying all this from the stand
    But my girl cries tears from the galleries
    Got bigger than i ever could have planned
    Like that song about the zuton valerie
    So the jury dont look like their buying it
    And shes making me nervous
    And im just screw faced like im trying it
    Their eyes fixed on me like im murderous
    They wanna lock me up
    And throw away the key
    They wanna send me down
    Even though i told them she ..

    She said i love you boy
    I love your soul
    She said i love you baby oh oh oh oh (yes you did)

    She said i love you more than words can say
    She said i love you bayayayayby

    So i said why the hell you gotta treat me this way
    You dont know what love is
    You wouldnt do this if you did
    Oh no no no noo

    She said I love you , man,
    I love your soul ,
    She said I love you, baby , oooo ,
    She said I love you more
    Than words can express ,
    She said I love you, ma-and - alysh .

    I said , your words can not be true,
    How can you be in love with me ,
    If we only met today .
    And she said , man, I loved you once,
    When I first felt the closeness of love.
    Something flashed in my heart ,
    I said stop this crazy talk,
    Go away and shut the door .
    She replied , but I do love you so much ,
    She said I love you, baby , oooo ,
    She said I love you more
    Than words can express ,
    She said I love you, ma-and - alysh .

    Now in court,
    Defend their interests from the podium ,
    I say to the judge and jury
    However , that said, and the cops.
    On that day , when I was arrested ,
    I am innocent , I protested .
    She just feels rejected
    Someone to whom she was obsessed ,
    Broke her heart .
    She likes my music ,
    Yes it is just a fan of my music ,
    That's what her love , so as not to lose it .
    She just can not separate the man from the music,
    All this I speak from the rostrum of the witness,
    While my girl crying in the hallway.
    All turned out worse than I thought
    Like in that song Zutons Valerie.
    The jury did not buy into it ,
    It makes me nervous,
    I pathetic , if I depressed ,
    They look at me like I was a murderer ,
    Want to lock me
    And throw away the key ,
    I want to put ...

    Even though I told them that she ...

    She said I love you , man,
    I love your soul ,
    She said I love you, baby , oooo .

    She said I love you more
    Than words can express ,
    She said I love you, ma-and - alysh .

    I said , what the hell are you doing this to me ,
    You do not know what love is.
    If she knew , would not do so ,
    Oh, no , no, no, no.


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