3.Иркен табигатьтэ, саналган барсыда Ермакта юл яра, чишмэ шаулап ага Зур хормэтем минем, авырлыкларда Кунел тонычлыгын саклый алганнарга Куш-та: 2 раза 1. Everything in this life is in the hands of the Lord, It is impossible to pass what he has written, In my life, equal to the time of mourning, Ham thank you for all this Kush-ta: 1 time In the hands of the Lord in everything, I will not die, Don't be silly, live in the world, A friend is when relatives are around
2. A gentle breeze, a gentle touch on the shoulders If you have relatives near you If the sun sets in the evening and rises in the morning So life goes on as it should Kush-ta: 2 times
3. In free nature, in everything enumerated There is a road in Ermak, and the spring is flowing My great honor is in my weight To those who are able to maintain the peace of mind Kush-ta: 2 times