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  • Текст песни Gemma Ward - My Jolly Sailor Bold

    Исполнитель: Gemma Ward
    Название песни: My Jolly Sailor Bold
    Дата добавления: 10.08.2020 | 06:16:25
    Просмотров: 17
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Gemma Ward - My Jolly Sailor Bold, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    My Jolly Sailor Bold
    Мой лихой моряк

    Upon one summer's morning
    Одним летним утром
    I carefully did stray
    Я улизнула из дому
    Down by the Walls of Wapping
    И гуляла по Вапинг-Уолл,
    Where I met a sailor gay.
    Где встретила моряка.

    Conversing with a young lass
    Он стоял с девицей,
    Who seem'd to be in pain,
    Причитавшей в отчаянии:
    Saying, William, when you go
    "Уильям, если ты уйдешь,
    I fear you'll ne'er return again.
    То, боюсь, больше не вернешься".

    His hair it hangs in ringlets
    У него крутые кудри
    His eyes as black as coal
    И угольно-черный взгляд.
    My happiness attend him
    Мое счастье в том, чтобы следовать за ним,
    Wherever he may go.
    Куда бы он ни направился.

    From Tower Hill to Blackwall
    Я будут ходить от Тауэр-Хилла и до Блэкуолл,
    I'll wander, weep and moan
    Рыдая и стеная
    All for my jolly sailor
    По моему лихому моряку до тех пор,
    Until he sails home.
    Пока он не приплывет домой.

    My father is a merchant
    Пришло время во всем признаться
    The truth I now will tell
    Батюшке, купцу,
    And in great London City
    Живущему в довольстве
    In opulence doth dwell.
    В огромном Лондоне.

    His fortune doth exceed
    У него за душой -
    300,000 gold
    Триста тысяч золотых,
    And he frowns upon his daughter
    Он хмурится и злится на дочь,
    Who loves a sailor bold.
    Полюбившую лихого моряка.

    A fig for his riches
    Я отреклась от всех богатств,
    His merchandise and gold
    Всего приданного и злата.
    True love has grafted my heart
    Истинная любовь вживлена в мою грудь,
    Give me my sailor bold.
    Прошу только, верните моего лихого моряка.

    Should he return in pov'rty
    Когда он вернется в нищету
    From o'er the ocean far
    Из далекого плавания,
    To my tender bosom
    Я прижму моего веселого морехода
    I'll press my jolly tar.
    К нежной груди.

    My sailor is as smiling
    Мой моряк улыбчив,
    As the pleasant month of May
    Как теплый майский день.
    And often we have wandered
    В былые дни мы часто бродили
    Through Ratcliffe Highway
    По Рэдклифф Хайвэй,

    Many a pretty blooming
    Встречая цветущих
    Young girl we did behold
    Юных дев,
    Reclining on the bosom
    Прильнувших к груди
    Of her jolly sailor bold.
    Своих лихих моряков.

    My name it is Maria
    Зовут меня Мария,
    A merchant's daughter fair
    Купеческая дочь.
    And I have left my parents
    Я отреклась от родительского дома
    And three thousand pounds a year
    И трех тысяч годовых.

    Come all you pretty fair maids
    Честные девы,
    Whoever you may be
    Кем бы вы ни были,
    Who love a jolly sailor
    Если любите веселого моряка,
    That plows the raging sea
    Бороздящего неукротимое море, подходите

    While up aloft in storm
    В шторм
    From me his absence mourn
    Ко мне, оплакивающей одиночество
    And firmly pray arrive the day
    И молящейся о том, чтобы настал день,
    He's never more to roam.
    Когда он больше не уплывет

    My heart is pierced by Cupid
    Амур пронзил мне сердце,
    I disdain all glittering gold
    Я презрела сверкающее злато.
    There is nothing can console me
    Ничто не в силах принести утешение,
    But my jolly sailor bold.
    Кроме моего лихого моряка.

    There is nothing can console me
    Ничто не в силах принести утешение,
    But my jolly sailor bold.
    Кроме моего лихого моряка.
    My jolly sailor bold
    My dashing sailor

    Upon one summer's morning
    One summer morning
    I carefully did stray
    I sneaked out of the house
    Down by the Walls of Wapping
    And walked around Waping Wall
    Where I met a sailor gay.
    Where I met a sailor.

    Conversing with a young lass
    He stood with a girl
    Who seem'd to be in pain,
    Wailing in despair:
    Saying, William, when you go
    "William, if you leave,
    I fear you'll ne'er return again.
    I’m afraid you won’t come back. ”

    His hair it hangs in ringlets
    He has cool curls
    His eyes as black as coal
    And a coal-black look.
    My happiness attend him
    My happiness is to follow him
    Wherever he may go.
    Wherever he goes.

    From tower hill to blackwall
    I will walk from Tower Hill to Blackwall
    I'll wander, weep and moan
    Weeping and groaning
    All for my jolly sailor
    To my dashing sailor until then
    Until he sails home.
    Until he comes home.

    My father is a merchant
    It's time to confess everything
    The truth I now will tell
    Father, merchant,
    And in great London City
    Living in contentment
    In opulence doth dwell.
    In huge London.

    His fortune doth exceed
    For his soul -
    300,000 gold
    Three hundred thousand gold,
    And he frowns upon his daughter
    He frowns and is angry with his daughter
    Who loves a sailor bold.
    Who fell in love with the dashing sailor.

    A fig for his riches
    I renounced all riches
    His merchandise and gold
    All the dowry and gold.
    True love has grafted my heart
    True love is implanted in my chest
    Give me my sailor bold.
    Please, just return my dashing sailor.

    Should he return in pov'rty
    When he returns to poverty
    From o'er the ocean far
    From a distant voyage
    To my tender bosom
    I will press my merry sailor
    I'll press my jolly tar.
    To a tender breast.

    My sailor is as smiling
    My sailor is smiling
    As the pleasant month of May
    Like a warm May day.
    And often we have wandered
    In the days of old we often wandered
    Through Ratcliffe Highway
    By Radcliffe Highway,

    Many a pretty blooming
    Meeting blooming
    Young girl we did behold
    Young maidens
    Reclining on the bosom
    Clinging to my chest
    Of her jolly sailor bold.
    Their dashing sailors.

    My name it is Maria
    My name is Maria
    A merchant's daughter fair
    A merchant's daughter.
    And I have left my parents
    I renounced my parental home
    And three thousand pounds a year
    And three thousand per annum.

    Come all you pretty fair maids
    Honest virgins,
    Whoever you may be
    Whoever you are
    Who love a jolly sailor
    If you love a cheerful sailor,
    That plows the raging sea
    Plowing the indomitable sea, come

    While up aloft in storm
    Into the storm
    From me his absence mourn
    To me mourning loneliness
    And firmly pray arrive the day
    And praying that the day will come
    He's never more to roam.
    When he will no longer float away

    My heart is pierced by Cupid
    Cupid pierced my heart
    I disdain all glittering gold
    I despised sparkling gold.
    There is nothing can console me
    Nothing can bring comfort
    But my jolly sailor bold.
    Except for my dashing sailor.

    There is nothing can console me
    Nothing can bring comfort
    But my jolly sailor bold.
    Except for my dashing sailor.


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