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  • Текст песни роза Англии - К.де Бург

    Исполнитель: роза Англии
    Название песни: К.де Бург
    Дата добавления: 30.08.2014 | 07:45:14
    Просмотров: 40
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    Здесь расположен текст песни роза Англии - К.де Бург, перевод и видео.
    She was lovely, she was fine, daughter of a royal line,
    He, no equal, but for them it mattered little for they were in love;

    Rose of England, sweet and fair, shining with the sun,
    Rose of England, have a care, for where the thorn is,
    There the blood will run;

    Oh my heart, oh my heart;

    Through the summer days and nights, stolen kisses and delights
    Would thrill their hearts and fill their dreams with all emotions
    That true love can bring;

    But black of mourning came one day, when her sister passed away,
    And many said on bended knee, she has gone, and you must be our Queen;

    Rose of England, sweet and fair, shining with the sun,
    Rose of England, have a care, for where the thorn is,
    There the blood will run;

    Oh my heart, oh my heart;

    To the abbey she did ride, with her lover by her side,
    When they heard the church bells ring, she was Queen
    And one day, he'd be King;

    But men of malice, men of hate, protesting to her chambers came,
    Foreign prince will have your hand, for he'll bring peace
    And riches to our land;
    She said, Do you tell me that I cannot wed the one I love?
    Do you tell me that I am not mistress of my heart?

    And so with heavy weight of life she kissed her lover one last time,
    “This land I wed, and no man comes, for if I cannot have you, I'll have none;

    Rose of England, sweet and fair, shining with the sun,
    Rose of England have a care, for where the thorn is,
    There the blood will run;

    Oh my heart, oh my heart...

    Слушайте голос мой очень внимательно!
    Я Вам предание буду рассказывать:
    Как долг убил сердце и обязательно
    Любовь столь великая,чтоб ей указывать,
    Будет должна умереть окончательно!

    Моё сердце разбито любовью!...

    Она была чудесна,она была прекрасна!
    В роду её все были короли!
    Он был ей не равный,но всё было честно,
    Ведь оба они были полны любви!

    Роза Англии,сладость и чудо!,
    Солнца сиянием радуешь вновь!
    Но будь осторожна,всегда это будет:
    Там,где шипы- проливается кровь!

    Моё сердце разбито любовью!...

    С начала дня до поздней ночи летом
    Срывались тайно поцелуи и восторги,
    Сердца вдюблённых озаряя светом,
    Мечты волненьем наполняя долгим!
    Одна любовь лишь дарит счастье это!

    Моё сердце разбито любовью!...

    Но чёрный траур уничтожил краски дня,
    Когда сестра её на облака взошла...
    И многие на склоненных коленях
    Сказали ей:"Она уже ушла,
    И Ты должна быть нашей королевой!"

    Роза Англии,сладость и чудо!,
    Солнца сиянием радуешь вновь!
    Но будь осторожна,всегда это будет:
    Там,где шипы- проливается кровь!

    Моё сердце разбито любовью!

    Когда услышала,как бьют колокола
    О том,что стала всемогущей королевой,
    И что ей завтра день подарит короля,
    В аббатство бросилась она,
    Её любимый рядом под рукою левой!

    Моё сердце разбито любовью!...

    Но люди тьмы и зла её ковали муку,
    В палатах королевских жёстко заявляя:
    "Заморский принц твою получит руку,
    Нас от опасностей враждебных избавляя,
    И принося богатство в наши руки!"

    Моё сердце разбито любовью!...

    Она вскричала:"Вы говорите это мне?
    Что не смогу я быть женой любимого?
    Вы говорите обо мне:
    Мне не любить неповторимого?
    Что не хозяйка сердцу своему?
    Что не отдам его Ему?"

    Моё сердце разбито любовью!...

    И с тяжестью на сердце и в душе,
    В последний раз любимого целуя,
    Она шептала:"Что за счастье мне,
    Сменять Тебя на эту землю злую!
    Ведь если Ты не сможешь быть моим,
    Никто не скажет: "Я твой Господин!"

    Английская роза сладка и прекрасна,
    Лишь солнце увидишь,сияешь Ты вновь!
    Но будь осторожна,ведь это опасно:
    Там,где шипы,там всегда будет кровь!

    Зачем ты,любовь,моё разбила сердце?
    She was lovely, she was fine, daughter of a royal line,
    He, no equal, but for them it mattered little for they were in love;

    Rose of England, sweet and fair, shining with the sun,
    Rose of England, have a care, for where the thorn is,
    There the blood will run;

    Oh my heart, oh my heart;

    Through the summer days and nights, stolen kisses and delights
    Would thrill their hearts and fill their dreams with all emotions
    That true love can bring;

    But black of mourning came one day, when her sister passed away,
    And many said on bended knee, she has gone, and you must be our Queen;

    Rose of England, sweet and fair, shining with the sun,
    Rose of England, have a care, for where the thorn is,
    There the blood will run;

    Oh my heart, oh my heart;

    To the abbey she did ride, with her lover by her side,
    When they heard the church bells ring, she was Queen
    And one day, he'd be King;

    But men of malice, men of hate, protesting to her chambers came,
    Foreign prince will have your hand, for he'll bring peace
    And riches to our land;
    She said, Do you tell me that I can not wed the one I love?
    Do you tell me that I am not mistress of my heart?

    And so with heavy weight of life she kissed her lover one last time,
    vЂњThis land I wed, and no man comes, for if I can not have you, I'll have none;

    Rose of England, sweet and fair, shining with the sun,
    Rose of England have a care, for where the thorn is,
    There the blood will run;

    Oh my heart, oh my heart ...

    Listen very carefully to my voice !
    I will tell you the legend :
    How long has killed the heart and certainly
    Love is so great , that it indicate
    Will have to die eventually !

    My heart beat with love ! ...

    She was wonderful , she was beautiful !
    In their kinds were all kings!
    He was not equal to it , but it was honest,
    After all, they were both full of love !

    Rose of England , the sweetness and wonder !,
    Sun shining happy about again !
    But be careful , it always will be :
    Where shipy- bloodshed !

    My heart beat with love ! ...

    Since the beginning of the day until late summer
    Frustrated secretly kisses and enthusiasm ,
    Heart vdyublёnnyh illuminating light,
    Dreams Excitement fills long !
    One love only brings happiness it!

    My heart beat with love ! ...

    But mourning black paint destroyed the day
    When her sister came up at the clouds ...
    And many on the bowed knees
    Told her : & quot; She was gone ,
    And you shall be our queen ! & Quot;

    Rose of England , the sweetness and wonder !,
    Sun shining happy about again !
    But be careful , it always will be :
    Where shipy- bloodshed !

    My heart is broken by love !

    When she heard the bell sounding
    That was the all-powerful queen,
    And that day will give her tomorrow king
    In Abbey threw it ,
    Her favorite close at hand to the left !

    My heart beat with love ! ...

    But the people of darkness and evil it forged flour
    In the royal chambers rigidly stating :
    & quot; foreign prince will get your hand
    Us from the dangers of eliminating hostile ,
    And bringing wealth into our hands ! & Quot;

    My heart beat with love ! ...

    She cried : & quot; You say this to me?
    What , I could not be the wife of a loved one?
    You're talking about me :
    I do not love the unique ?
    What's mistress in his own heart ?
    Do not give it to him ? & Quot;

    My heart beat with love ! ...

    And with a heavy heart and soul ,
    The last time a loved kissing ,
    She whispered : & quot; What a happiness to me ,
    You replace this earth evil !
    After all, if you can not be mine,
    No one will say : & quot; I am your Lord ! & Quot;

    English rose is sweet and beautiful,
    Only see the sun , you shine again !
    But be careful , because it is dangerous :
    Where spikes, there will always be blood!

    Why do you love , my heart broke ?


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