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  • Текст песни Пелагея и Дарья Мороз - Ария Марии Магдалены

    Исполнитель: Пелагея и Дарья Мороз
    Название песни: Ария Марии Магдалены
    Дата добавления: 30.07.2014 | 10:14:34
    Просмотров: 59
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Пелагея и Дарья Мороз - Ария Марии Магдалены, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Я их не помню... Я не помню рук,
    которые с меня срывали платья.
    А платье - помню. Помню, скольких мук
    мне стоили забытые объятья.
    Как не пускала мама, как дитя
    трагически глядело из манежа.
    Как падала, набойками частя,
    в объятья вечера, и был он свеже-
    заваренным настоем из дождя
    вчерашнего и липовых липучек,
    которые пятнали, не щадя,
    наряд прекрасный, сексапильный, лучший.
    И ту скамью, где, истово скребя
    ошмётки краски, мокрая, шальная,
    я говорила:"Я люблю тебя".
    Кому - не помню. Для чего - не знаю.
    I don't know how to love him
    What to do, how to move him
    I've been changed, yes really changed
    In these past few days
    When I've seen myself
    I seem like someone else

    I don't know how to take this
    I don't see why he moves me
    He's a man
    He's just a man
    And I've had so many
    Men before
    In very many ways
    He's just one more

    Should I bring him down
    Should I scream and shout
    Should I speak of love
    Let my feelings out?
    I never thought I'd come to this
    What's it all about?
    Я учусь не боятся тебя пережить,
    тем паче - переумереть.
    Когда мы не сможем с тобой говорить,
    я буду тебе петь.
    О том, что тебя невозможно забыть,
    простившись, тем паче - уйдя,
    о том, что не так уж и сложно - плыть
    против течения дождя.
    Should I bring him down
    Should I scream and shout
    Should I speak of love
    Let my feelings out?
    I never thought I'd come to this
    What's it all about?

    If he said he loved me
    I'd be lost
    I'd be frightened
    I couldn't cope
    Just couldn't cope
    I'd turn my head
    I'd back away
    I wouldn't want to know
    He scares me so
    I want him so
    I love him so.

    Пред нами расступались, как миражи,
    Построенные чудом города,
    Сама ложилась мята нам под ноги,
    И птицам с нами было по дороге,
    И рыбы подымались по реке,
    И небо развернулось пред глазами...
    Когда судьба по следу шла за нами,
    Как сумасшедший с бритвою в руке.
    I do not remember ... I do not remember the hand ,
    which tore off my dress.
    A dress - remember. Remember how much anguish
    cost me forgotten arms.
    As my mother would not let me , as a child
    tragically stared out of the arena .
    Fall as part of taps ,
    into the arms of the evening , and it was freshly
    brewed infusion of Rain
    yesterday and fake velcro
    are spotted , not sparing ,
    beautiful outfit , sexy best .
    And that bench , where devout scratching
    lumps of paint , wet, crazy ,
    I said: "I love you."
    Who - I do not remember . Why - I do not know .
    I don't know how to love him
    What to do, how to move him
    I've been changed, yes really changed
    In these past few days
    When I've seen myself
    I seem like someone else

    I don't know how to take this
    I don't see why he moves me
    He's a man
    He's just a man
    And I've had so many
    Men before
    In very many ways
    He's just one more

    Should I bring him down
    Should I scream and shout
    Should I speak of love
    Let my feelings out?
    I never thought I'd come to this
    What's it all about?
    I'm not afraid of you learning to survive ,
    even more so - pereumeret .
    When we can not talk to you ,
    I will sing to you .
    The fact that you will never forget ,
    simple, even more so - stepping ,
    that is not so difficult - swim
    upstream rain .
    Should I bring him down
    Should I scream and shout
    Should I speak of love
    Let my feelings out?
    I never thought I'd come to this
    What's it all about?

    If he said he loved me
    I'd be lost
    I'd be frightened
    I couldn't cope
    Just couldn't cope
    I'd turn my head
    I'd back away
    I wouldn't want to know
    He scares me so
    I want him so
    I love him so.

    Parted before us like a mirage ,
    Built miracle city
    She went to bed mint under our feet ,
    And the birds of the world was on the road ,
    And fish rose up along the river ,
    And the sky unfolded before the eyes of ...
    When fate was on the trail behind us,
    Like a madman with a razor in his hand.


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